Public Services

The public sector provides services of exceptional importance to the population and the entire economy. Processes for regulation, restructuring, returning enterprises to public ownership (remunicipalisation), or privatization, as well as increasingly complex administrative processes, must be dealt with in ever shorter timeframes.

Our approach

Our experts are long-standing partners of the public sector. We understand the special challenges of public commercial law and are distinguished by many years of experience and broad expertise in the public sector. Our lawyers also work closely with our tax consultancy and audit specialists, pooling our skills and offering you the best possible solutions.

Our services

In the area of public services, we offer you the following advisory services:

Focus Areas

For the following key areas:

  • Water, wastewater, and waste management
  • Local public transport
  • Public pricing legislation
  • Procurement law
  • EU state aid law

You will find comprehensive information in the sub-tiles for these areas.

Also, in the areas of:

  • Energy
  • Healthcare
  • Labour law

which also directly concern services provided to the public sector and its associated undertakings.

We would also like to highlight the following advisory services:

Commercial administrative law

  • Comprehensive advice to, and representation of, public authorities and their undertakings; advice to foundations, non-profit organisations, corporations, and associations
  • Advising organisations (formulation of articles of association, partnership agreements, corporate governance, etc.)
  • Advising on issues regarding municipal loss compensation (Kommunalen Schadensausgleich or KSA)


  • Support for restructuring measures as well as privatization and remunicipalisations

Budgetary law, municipal finance law, and municipal tax law

  • Advice in the areas of budgetary law (federal, state, local authorities) and municipal finance law, e.g., in the establishment and restructuring of state corporations
  • Advice on all issues relating to municipal tax law (fee laws and contribution laws, developments, etc.)

Strategic preparation for infrastructure projects

  • Support of large-scale construction projects and infrastructure projects, also with regard to mine site reclamation investments (e.g., fossil fuel phase-out)
  • Neighbourhood development
  • Litigation, arbitration

Supervisory board training courses, investment management training courses, and in-house seminars on issues specific to the public sector (special industry expertise)

  • Supervisory board training, including for council members who are appointed to supervisory boards, etc.
  • Training courses on issues of corporate governance, investment management, etc.

Labour law (special industry expertise)

  • Advising on the TVL, (collective agreements of the German states) TVöD (collective agreements in the public service sector), etc.
  • Assistance with collective bargaining agreements
  • Advising on public pension schemes VBL (federal and state benefit plans), ZVK (supplementary pension company), VBLU (pension association of publicly sponsored companies)
  • Remuneration in public companies

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