Digital Transformation @ForvisMazars Germany
We are now right in the middle of a transformation process; the 3D project is scheduled to run over several years with the aim of anchoring digitalisation in our own corporate culture. Not only in our own interests, but, of course, also to offer added value to our clients who will benefit from digitalised, innovative solutions and value-added processes. Ultimately, the goals of this transformation are far more than just an end in themselves; they are coupled with the demand for greater efficiency, greater transparency, enhanced control and cost savings.
Participation as a basic principle
Forvis Mazars has a participatory approach to its own transformation. In other words, we are not buying in our digitalisation expertise externally, but instead developing new skills and holistic solutions together with our 2,500 employees as whole organisation. This enables us to realise the digital transformation in our company ourselves and implement the digitalisation process in our own organisational DNA.
In order to ensure the widespread involvement of all our employees right from the start, we set up so-called 3D pop-ups – interactive information exhibitions at our twelve business locations in Germany. All employees were invited to participate in a survey, giving them the opportunity to contribute their own ideas. At our 3D kick-off event "#3Dbewegen", over 100 employees, numerous partners, the project office and some guests came together over two days to participate in the implementation of four workstreams. All participants registered for a so-called Digital Runner on which they started working together cross-functional.
Digitalisation as a catalyst in the auditing sector
A Lünendonk study described the significance of digitalisation and its effects on the auditing market: According to the study, digitalisation is acting as a catalyst for the further concentration of the industry. As one of the leading audit and consulting firm in Germany, we want to expand further and gain a leading position in the field of the so-called "Next 5". With this goal in mind, we have developed a strategy for our digitalisation process: the objective of the "3D" project.
Digital tools already successfully in use
We are already successfully using some digital services with our customers. A mass data analysis tool, a platform for digital cooperation with our customers in connection with tax returns, and an online portal with real-time information displaying the current status of all compliance processes of a company at any time, to name but three of these services. Others will follow.
Bei Kick-off Event #3Dbewegen haben wir erlebt, wovon wir nicht zu träumen gewagt haben: eine ungeheure, gemeinsam erzeugte Energie und ein nachhaltig beeindruckendes #3Dbewegen. Das war der Start für ein aufregendes und sicher auch anstrengendes Programm – wir wollen gemeinsam nichts weniger, als Mazars auf die Zukunft und die Zukunft unserer Mandanten vorbereiten.
At the #3Dbewegen kick-off event, we experienced something we never dared to dream of: a tremendous, jointly generated energy and a sustainably impressive #3Dbewegen. This was the start of an exciting and certainly exhausting program - together we want nothing less than to prepare Forvis Mazars for the future and the future of our clients.