Mazars Deal Advisory: 2018 Highlights

Reflecting on 2018, there are some key themes that have influenced our transactional activity and these are as follows:

European private equity growth continues, UK resilient

The European private equity market continues to expand with an increase in deal volumes while UK private equity has continued to remain active. Existing PE houses continue to have great success in raising larger funds and this has been complemented by family offices putting more money aside for direct equity investment.

Significant domestic deal activity

Domestic deal activity has remained strong with UK corporates continuing to seek growth opportunities on home territory.

Continued foreign investment in the UK

Overseas investment in the UK has remained buoyant. Acquirers have continued to benefit from weak sterling and the UK is still seen by many as an attractive investment opportunity and, relative to opportunities elsewhere, safe and secure.

Strong activity in the UK financial services market

We have seen a significant amount of activity across financial services, especially in the insurance broker space. Market consolidators have continued their acquisition focus and overseas investment has continued to flow in.Despite an uncertain geo-political backdrop, particularly Brexit, investment into UK plc remains attractive predicated by the maturity and expertise in key sectors, such as TMT, Healthcare and Financial Services. In addition we have seen a significant increase in tech focussed solutions which is driving different investment dynamics and widening the pool of options for entrepreneurs.

Please download our 2018 Deal Advisory Highlights brochure below for a showcase of some of the transactions that we have advised on in the past year.


Mazars Deal Advisory - Highlights 2018

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