What does the 2023 Spring Budget mean for Public & Social Sector

The Chancellor announced today in his Spring Budget a number of measures to support the Prime Ministers economic growth plans.
For local government more details on levelling-up and the devolution deals will be welcome. The promise of multi-year funding settlements will have a big impact on local government’s ability to prioritise local needs but, partnerships between local universities, councils and businesses will be critical to the success of any proposals, including supporting the UK’s net zero target by 2050.

“It’s encouraging that the Chancellor has announced devolution measures to give more power to regions across the UK to make decisions fit for purpose. This will enable local authorities to focus on the support their communities need”, said Peter Cudlip, Head of Public & Social Sector.

Public and social sector services continue to face a myriad of challenges. Our recent research* found that over half (54%) of public and social sector organisations are reassessing the breadth and depth of their services for people, communities, and service users, and 17% said they are cutting the scope of what they offer. Worryingly, eight in ten (81%) also say that a lack of funding poses the greatest barrier to their ability to support vulnerable people and communities.  These are concerning signs and highlight how inflationary pressures are having an impact across all sectors.  

The public's expectations of public and social sector organisations are growing; however, financial constraints and regulatory burdens create a challenging operating environment, meaning that they’re having to find new and more innovative (and higher risk) ways to reduce costs and generate income. However, the £100m support for local charities and community organisations may go some way toward providing some relief for support for the most vulnerable. 

Whilst local government funding remains a real challenge, today’s announcements promise some positivity on the horizon. 

*Survey poll of 380 public & social sector staff on the impact of inflation on service delivery (conducted in Jan-Feb 2023) 

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