Risk in the public and social sector

Challenges and opportunities for the Public Sector in 2022

As our economy and society move into an endemic state of virus management, local authorities have found themselves in an unenviable position.  They must balance pre-COVID-19 service demand within a new normality that has exacerbated the need for public services, along with an emptying high street, hybrid working, environmental awareness, and increased personal debt. 

Balancing the budget has never been more challenging, nor is internal audit so critical to an organisation’s resilience.  In this year’s Horizon Scanning report, we have broken down the assurance requirements of a local authority into five categories: financial resilience, council services, IT, ESG, and fraud.  Within these, we have broken down the detail and shared considerations for your internal audit plans.

Please note that this document was prepared at a point in time.  Subsequent government announcements or changes should be considered when reading.

Download the full report below

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