Banking – creating synergy in risk management and risk culture

International and UK regulators have increased their focus on risk management and risk culture since the financial crisis revealed failings in these areas to be one of the root causes. Banks should have in place a robust risk management framework within a sound risk culture. Identifying areas for improvement and filling the gaps can turn this apparent challenge into a growth opportunity by actually optimising risk-returns while ensuring resilience against failure. Our team can support you in ensuring compliance with industry best practices and regulators' expectations.

A robust risk management framework improves the board's and senior management's decision making process and enhances employees’ adherence to the firm’s risk appetite and risk policies. Due to its influential nature, risk culture is essential to effectively implement the risk management framework.

Developing a sound risk management framework and risk culture requires time and good methodology. Even though best practices exist, institutions have to adapt them to their operations and complexity.

Our experience and tailored approach helps firms to assess and strengthen their risk management framework and risk culture by turning an institution’s existing needs into opportunities.

This enables us to provide our clients with a wide range of services:

For more information about our capabilities please contact us.

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