Latest news

You will find here all the latest news, publications and events from Forvis Mazars in Spain.
Listed below is the latest news from Forvis Mazars in Spain

Launch of our 2018 Global Study on AI in the Hospitality Industry

Mazars’ hospitality community, together with international experts, are pleased to launch our Global Study on AI in the Hospitality Industry

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The future of sustainable mobility in Spain: policies, progress and a potential roadmap for change

The Paris Agreement, signed in April 2016 by 195 countries, represents the cornerstone of an ambitious agreement, with the objective of limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. The role of mobility, and particularly the transport and logistics sector, in achieving that objective is essential.

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Webinar: Blanqueo de capitales y financiación del terrorismo, retos y nuevos riesgos en tiempos de Covid

El pasado miércoles 28 de abril Raluca Prună, Directora de la Unidad de Delitos Financieros de la Comisión Europea, habló de las directivas de la UE contra el blanqueo de capitales en las transacciones internacionales.

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Talk with Reyes Calderón on the occasion of the international Women´s Day

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, celebrated this Friday March 8, 2019, we have organized a talk with Reyes Calderón, a writer, economist and university professor, who will analyze challenges related to equality and female talent management faced by companies and academic institutions.

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A height experience

Fernando Sierra, tax manager, tells us his experience in the Kilimanjaro, Alps, Caucasus, Andes... why climb Mountains?

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Mazars Tax & Legal, new denomination of our law and tax advisors firm

Mazars Tax & Legal, new denomination of our law firm and tax advisors.
With this change, we intend to give the firm a more direct and commercial name and to contribute value to our global and international nature, thanks to our global network of lawyers and tax advisors in over 80 countries on the five continents.

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