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Listed below is the latest news from Forvis Mazars in Spain
Listed below is the latest news from Forvis Mazars in Spain
The four different ways that T&L industry is impacted by technology and digitalisation
One of the most important disruptions facing transport & logistics (T&L) companies is technology and digitalisation. Developments in technology provide uncertainty but also many opportunities for T&L organisations. The difference between the leaders and laggards in this industry will be in the ability to embrace these disruptions. Knowing where the benefits and risks are and how to leverage those begins by understanding the impacts.
Riesgos y Fraudes con Terceros
Todas aquellas personas físicas o jurídicas que tengan una relación directa o indirecta con tu empresa (proveedores, clientes, agentes, intermediarios, socios o accionistas, consejeros o asesores, cliente del cliente…) pueden tener una alta exposición al riesgo que debe ser observada desde una perspectiva preventiva.
Todas aquellas personas físicas o jurídicas que tengan una relación directa o indirecta con tu empresa (proveedores, clientes, agentes, intermediarios, socios o accionistas, consejeros o asesores, cliente del cliente…) pueden tener una alta exposición al riesgo que debe ser observada desde una perspectiva preventiva.
5G en Europa. Momento de hacer un cambio de marcha.
La tecnología 5G ya está aquí y en el 2021 entrará en vigor la segunda fase (Stand Alone 5G) convirtiéndose en una tecnología que tendrá un gran impacto en la ciberseguridad, colocando la gestión de datos y supervisión de flujo en el centro de nuestras vidas. Transformará nuestra economía y acelerará la evolución de la sociedad en general.
Mazars creates Mazars North America Alliance
Mazars North America Alliance substantially enhances Mazars’ on the ground coverage in North America, giving international clients access to an additional 16,000 professionals from five major accounting and consulting firms in the U.S. and Canada.
Three simple steps to kickstart your sustainability strategy
Executing a business sustainability strategy is more important than ever and is essential for the long-term success of a company.
Not only does it help in the development of your business vision and strategy, but a sustainability strategy will also help to reduce unnecessary costs through the implementation of leaner and smarter processes.
Not only does it help in the development of your business vision and strategy, but a sustainability strategy will also help to reduce unnecessary costs through the implementation of leaner and smarter processes.
Estudio ciberseguridad download
Gracias por completar el formulario, ahora puede descargarse nuestro último estudio sobre ciberseguridad ¿es su red de seguridad lo suficientemente fuerte?