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You will find here all the latest news, publications and events from Forvis Mazars in Spain.
Listed below is the latest news from Forvis Mazars in Spain

Registro de instrumentos financieros bajo las NIIF

La última edición de IFRS Insight de Mazars aborda el registro de instrumentos financieros bajo las NIIF.

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Mazars incorpora a más de 100 graduados para el curso 2019-2020

Reforzarán los equipos de auditoría y assurance, consultoría y transacciones y del despacho de abogados y asesores fiscales de las siete oficinas de la firma en España.

Adicionalmente a estos 100 recién graduados, la firma prevé incorporar durante este ejercicio a otro centenar de perfiles con experiencia.

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Are You Missing the Tech Train?

Mazars publishes global study on familiarity, investment and implementation levels surrounding five transformative workplace technologies.

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The Future of Telcos: winning the client experience battle

Mazars publishes global study ‘The Future of Telcos: winning the client experience, the case of mobile financial services’

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Innovation and transformation are words that we hear, read or write several times a day. But how do we make sense of all these new technological, societal or business trends? How do companies implement some of these changes in practice? And most importantly, how do businesses move from ‘doing’ digital to ‘being’ digital?

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Why is working at Mazars more than a professional experience?

Mazars is a global professional services company.
We provide auditing and assurance, consulting and legal and tax advice to multinational and listed companies and large national groups in more than 100 countries.
Innovation and technology are key elements that help us to be a strategic and trusted advisor for our clients.
We are the 5th audit firm for large companies in Spain.

Want to know more about Mazars? Contact us!

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The four different ways that T&L industry is impacted by technology and digitalisation

One of the most important disruptions facing transport & logistics (T&L) companies is technology and digitalisation. Developments in technology provide uncertainty but also many opportunities for T&L organisations. The difference between the leaders and laggards in this industry will be in the ability to embrace these disruptions. Knowing where the benefits and risks are and how to leverage those begins by understanding the impacts.

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