Mazars sponsors top prize in Peter Drucker Challenge 2017

Paris, 16 November 2017
Mazars is proud to be the top sponsor of the essay contest that honours the late visionary management consultant Peter Drucker. 2017 is the seventh consecutive year that Mazars has supported the Challenge.

Peter Drucker is considered to be the father of modern management theory. The challenge, organised by the Peter Drucker Society Europe, aims to keep his human-oriented management philosophy alive in the minds of the young generations. The contest is open to two categories, students and young entrepreneurs under 35, and prizes are awarded to six winners.


Mazars' involvement with the Peter Drucker Challenge as top sponsor underlines our commitment to investing in the next generations, which is at the heart of both our management philosophy and business model. At Mazars, we strive to unlock the potential of our young employees and include them in the habitually exclusive and status-based exercise of setting strategy. Moreover, our business regularly collaborates with innovative start-ups to co-create the audit, accounting, advisory, tax and legal solutions of tomorrow.

 The theme of this year's challenge, "Human Prosperity in a Changing World", asks participants to reflect on how digital technologies might disrupt the workplace – a question that has profound implications on Mazars and the audit industry. For winner Amina Mendez Acosta, "technology is going to take out the mundane aspects of operations. But real conversations, real mentoring? These things can only be passed on through relationships, not by algorithms." To remain ahead of digital disruption, student winner Olu Oduonikosi believes we should "unleash people's creativity, inventiveness and empathy, because that's what the jobs of the future will require."


On 16 November, the winners will be recognised at the annual Peter Drucker Global Forum in Vienna, Austria (Drucker's hometown). The Forum is an opportunity to meet with thought leaders, both from corporate and academic spheres, and members of prominent business media. Chris Maclay, a second-time Challenge finalist, said the Forum had a hard-hitting impact on his approach to management: “It was so eye-opening to see these important people talking about similar issues, not as technical problems but as management problems. It changed my perspective on my role as a manager and what can be achieved through good management rather than through good technical solutions.”


Laurent Choain, Mazars' Chief People and Communications Officer, will award the six winners with their prize during the Forum's Gala Dinner at the splendid historic building of the Schönbrunn Orangery: "There is a strong connection between Mazars' thought leadership in management, innovation and human resources and the Peter Drucker Challenge's mission. We're honoured to be this year's top sponsor and support the next generation of management and business thinkers."



For press enquiries, please contact Josh Voulters, National Communications Manager, on +44 207 063 5005 or email


About Mazars

Mazars is an international, integrated and independent organisation, specialising in audit, accountancy, advisory, tax and legal services. As of January 1st, 2017, Mazars operates throughout the 79 countries that make up its integrated partnership. Mazars draws upon the expertise of 18,000 women and men led by 950 partners.

We assist clients of all sizes, from SMEs to mid-caps and global players as well as start-ups and public organisations, at every stage of their development. In the UK, Mazars has approximately 140 partners and over 1,700 employees, and is ranked one of the top 10 firms nationally.

