Mazars furthers debate on the importance of corporate culture

Mazars is delighted to host a panel discussion on the influence of corporate culture on strategy and performance at the International Corporate Governance Network conference in Paris on 7 December 2017.

This session, ‘Culture: Strategy for breakfast or a dog’s dinner?’, will look at the impact corporate culture has on long-term success and how this is being tackled across Europe, reflecting on the results of a recent study on the topic carried out by Mazars, in association with Board Agenda and INSEAD.

 “Many years after the famous Peter Drucker quote about culture, strategy and breakfast, culture has finally, and rightly, taken centre-stage on the governance agenda,” said David Herbinet, partner at Mazars. “Much work, however, remains to be done by boards to fully grasp it and use it effectively in decision-making, and for investors to properly assess it, for the long-term benefit of companies, their stakeholders and wider society. We are proud to continue the conversation on this important issue.”

The panel will include contributions from:

  • Jean-Philippe Desmartin, Head of Responsible Investment, Edmond De Rothschild Asset Management
  • Bruno Heynen, Secretary to the Executive Committee and Senior Advisor Governance, Novartis International AG
  • David Herbinet, Partner, Mazars
  • Chair: Andrew Cave, Board Agenda

Mazars appreciates the importance of strong links between investors and auditors and is a committed supporter of the ICGN. The two-day conference is expected to attract over 300 from the ICGN European network, including corporate governance professionals and influential investors. The panel discussion is open to delegates of the conference and can be booked through the registration process. 

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