The Investors’ Guide to the UK - Mazars Edition

Mazars is uniquely positioned to help companies invest and expand into the United Kingdom, and capitalise on the opportunities here. This guide, created in conjunction with UKTI, will assist you with the many different factors that need to be considered when expanding your business into the UK.

In this guide you will find detailed advice on the following aspects of doing business in the United Kingdom:

  • Company Formation – Methods and Legal Implications
  • Financial Reporting and Accounting: An Overview
  • Financial Compliance and an Outsourced Solution
  • Business Taxation and Planning
  • UK Taxation for Foreign Nationals
  • Pensions in the UK
  • Merger and Acquisition Transaction Processes
  • Complying with the UK’s Money Laundering Regulations

Get in touch with one of our experts to discuss how Mazars can assist with the specific cicumstances of your business.


Mazars' Investors Guide to the UK

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