UK immigration alert: January 2022

The UK Home Office has released guidance to confirm that from 6 April 2022- the right to work check process will change significantly. Moving forward, employers will no longer be able to carry out a manual (virtual or physical) right to work check on those who hold BRP and BRC cards.

As from 6 April 2022- the right to work check will be required to be carried out via the online government portal (in a similar fashion to those covered by the EU Settlement Scheme),and will require a generated sharecode to be provided and checked to ascertain the right to work in the UK.

Existing right to work checks will not need to be retroactively checked provided that they have already been performed under the guidance valid at the time of the initial check taking place.

Additionally, the Home Office have confirmed that the introduction of the Identification Document Validation Technology which is set to be implemented from 6 April 2022. It will allow British and Irish citizens who hold a valid passport or passport card, to upload electronic copies of their documents to verify their identity and certification remotely, instead of presenting physical documents to landlords and employers.

With the implementation of these changes now less than 3 months away, it is time to consider what this impact will mean to you and your business, and how this will change your approach to the right to work process and continued compliance.

Should you or your business seek further clarity on this, or the way forward, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the form below.

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