Modern slavery consulting and reporting2

Modern slavery in all its forms is a prominent human rights issue and one that is a salient risk for nearly every business that is reliant on manual labour in its global supply chain.

With millions of people impacted and cases rising, businesses must ensure they are acting responsibly across their supply chains and providing clear and accurate reporting on their business practices.

Our team of specialists has worked on modern slavery due diligence and reporting in industry and is well-placed to support companies in conducting modern slavery due diligence. This includes drafting modern slavery statements ensuring these are aligned with both stakeholder expectations and the disclosure requirements of:

  • UK Modern Slavery Act (2015)
  • Australia Modern Slavery Act (2018)
  • California Transparency in Supply Chains Act (2012)
  • Canada Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (2023).

Our approach

We understand that supply chains are often dynamic and complex. Globalisation, the requirement for ever-greater speed and flexibility in products and services, and the development of new business models have all contributed to the challenge of managing the risk of modern slavery. We apply our knowledge of regional and sector-specific risks of modern slavery, including the use of credible indices to support the strengthening of policy, management systems and approaches to due diligence. We are also available to support on approaches to remedy where cases of forced labour are identified. 

Our services

Our team of human rights specialists can support you in responding to stakeholder expectations and meeting legal requirements, by:

  • Identifying which areas of the value chain hold the greatest risk of modern slavery, by employing our expertise and in-house tools;
  • developing and implementing policies and management systems to effectively manage risk and implement change;
  • advise on the most efficient and effective approaches to mitigate the risk of modern slavery in the supply chain;
  • develop processes to respond to cases of forced labour, when they are identified; and
  • preparing and drafting modern slavery statements.
Modern slavery wheel graphic

Get in touch

To discuss your requirements, contact our human rights specialists using the details below.

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