Sustainable Investing

“What if I want to ensure I am investing in funds that will positively impact the world around me?”

Sustainable Investments

As investment managers, we want to be a part of the solution, helping shape a better future for all.

We are committed to providing Sustainable Model Portfolios to those who wish to invest with Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors in mind.

While everyone’s view of a better world will look slightly different, our clients can be assured that their portfolios contribute to a more sustainable and resilient world by investing in carefully screened funds.

This year, we were awarded Best Investment Advice firm at the 2022 Money Marketing Awards and were recognised for our ESG advice in their Best ESG Advice Firm category.

Our approach

We believe several methods can be used to construct sustainable portfolios, such as negative and positively screened and impact and responsible investing funds. Used together, these approaches aim to generate sustainable wealth creation, encompassing both investment returns and their social and environmental impact.

We do not subscribe to one particular approach; rather, we choose to blend these within our Sustainable Model Portfolios to maximise impact whilst managing investment risk.

In our view, there are presently four major approaches to sustainable investing:

ESG / SRI (Socially Responsible Investing) / sustainable fundsESG and SRI investing are interchangeable umbrella terms for funds that seek positive returns and long-term impact on society, environment, and business performance. Funds following this approach invest in those businesses that respect the environment, treat their employees and suppliers fairly and promote ethical policies.
Negatively screened fundsAs investors choose securities, this approach will exclude companies or industries they consider morally unsuitable for their goals. In practice, fund managers negatively screen by reference to a list of issues they don’t want their money associated with – such as weapons, tobacco, alcohol, gambling or animal cruelty, and avoid investing in companies that have activities in those areas.
Positively screened fundsPositive screening means that rather than excluding companies, investors select companies that set positive examples via environmentally friendly products and socially responsible business practices. Unlike negative screens, which are generally more black and white, positive screens require an analysis of complex issues such as pollution, workplace practices, diversity and product safety.
Impact / solution focused fundsImpact investing is a way to invest your money with the intent to bring about some socially desirable outcomes with the expectation of a financial return. There are three key components to impact investing: investment with the intention to do good; the expectation of financial return; all while creating measurable impact. Measuring the impact of one’s investment is a central tenet of impact investing. Impact investing is considered the most advanced of the four kinds of sustainable investing.

For further details on our sustainable investment portfolios, you can download our guide below.

Our expertise

Our independent status means that we are always working in the interest of our clients.

We are entirely unrestricted in our choice of investment funds, allowing us to employ the best investment managers in each asset class. We do not run our own in-house funds, so, have no conflicts of interest.

What our clients say 

Our Financial Planners and Investment Managers are highly regarded for the services which they provide. At present, our teams are rated 4.8 out of 5 on the trusted advisor site VouchedFor. 

Get in touch

If you would like to know more about our sustainable investment portfolios or our wealth management services, please get in touch today. 

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