Lifetime Cashflow

“What if I can’t find time to plan for my future?”

We all know that planning for the future is vital in order to achieve future goals and ambitions, and negotiate the financial hurdles that will inevitably arise throughout life. However, not all of us have the time to devise and execute an ongoing financial forecast, with all the complexities that can entail. 

Lifetime cashflow modelling with us is a chance to pause, take stock, and evaluate your current financial position, helping you identify what's important in the short, medium and long term.

Our approach

Lifetime cashflow modelling offers you an in-depth financial projection that will help keep your future on track. Our financial planners walk you through your lifetime projected finance, altering inputs and assumptions to adapt to life's uncertainties.

This is more than just numbers on a spreadsheet – it's about bringing your finances to life through the interactive and graphical nature of modelling. This way, you can visualise and achieve your ideal future.

During this exercise we consider:

  • Financial goals
  • Career ambitions
  • Children
  • School fees planning
  • Retirement planning
  • Marriage
  • Divorce
  • The provision of care
  • The impact of premature serious illness or death
  • Estate Planning
  • Gifting – and how to do so with sustainability in mind

Our Expertise

We believe your future is more than just finances, it's about the life you want to lead. We therefore focus on developing a long-term strategy to assist you with achieving your unique personal financial goals.

Our Financial Planning teams are expert, personable and highly qualified. The majority are Chartered Financial Planners, many of whom also hold Certified Financial Planner status, an internationally recognised advanced financial planning qualification.

This year, we have been named the second-best advice firm in the FT Adviser's Top 100 list for 2022STEP's Accountancy Team of the Year at the 2022 Private Client Awards, and have been awarded the Citywire New Model Advisor award for National Financial Planning Team of the Year for the third year. We have also held the Gold Standard Award for Independent Financial Advice for the tenth year.

Get in Touch

To understand more about cashflow modelling and start forecasting your personal finances today, please contact us.

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