Covid-19 measures - advisory support

The UK Government introduced a series of support measures to assist viable businesses that had been adversely affected by Covid - 19.

 These included:

  1. CBILS – Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme
  2. BBLS – Bounce Back Loan Scheme
  3. CJRS – Furlough Scheme
  4. Some of the other measures include Business Rates grants and deferred tax payments

Companies will soon be required to begin making repayments under some of these support schemes which will have an adverse impact on their cash position, which is already stretched due to limited trading throughout the past 12 months.

Our Approach

More so than ever, directors must continually assess the performance of their company and our national team of restructuring experts will work alongside you to understand your business-critical needs, assess the ongoing viability of your company, and the likely impact on any CBILS/BBLS loans.

How we can help:

  • Working with your bank/lender to understand the current position of your CBILS/BBLS.
  • Assess the solvency and viability of the company.
  • Help you build a detailed 13-week cash flow statement to understand the company’s pressure points.
  • Creditor, landlord, and other stakeholder management to provide breathing space for the company.
  • Assistance with refinancing or source new financing.
  • Where applicable, work with you to restructure the company.

Get in touch

If you would like to speak with a member of our team on any of the above, please click the button below:

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