Transactional Valuations

Our dedicated valuation professionals assist management teams, their advisors and stakeholders in a wide range of transaction situations.

Transactional Valuations

Whatever the reason for the valuation, the services that you receive are key to the success of the transaction and you need to have confidence in the robustness of our valuations which form a fundamental part of the process.

Our services include:

  • Acquisitions and disposals – we provide valuation advisory services to companies and directors looking to acquire or divest shareholdings or assets
  • Restructuring valuations – we assist companies and their advisors as part of restructuring processes by assessing a company’s enterprise value. This is typically required to help determine where the value breaks in the capital structure. Parties that may be interested in this valuation exercise include security trustees, company management, major shareholders, pension regulators, administrators and other restructuring advisors
  • Strategic reviews – we help companies assess the drivers of value within their business by providing analyses of industries and sectors using a range of databases and other publicly available information
  • Intangible assets – we value intangible assets in the context of cross-border asset transfers or where a value needs to be determined for the purposes of corporate restructuring
  • Fairness opinions – whether an individual is looking for reassurance in relation to an investment decision or a management board are looking for impartial advice, we value companies and assets to provide that extra layer of comfort for stakeholders
  • Takeover Code valuations
    • Rule 3 – we act as rule 3 advisors to provide advice to the Board of the listed target on any offer received for the company’s shares
    • Rule 24 – we act as advisors to estimate the value of unquoted shares following a merger or a delisting.
  • Fund Valuations – we provide regular valuations to listed and unlisted funds

Our team is made up of seasoned valuation practitioners who are familiar with the most relevant valuation methodologies and techniques. We make it our priority to understand the many complex factors that often underpin the valuation of entities within a transactional environment.

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