We advised IMPACT Partners on their first UK investment

Our Deal Advisory Due Diligence team is delighted to announce that it has provided buy-side financial and tax due diligence services to IMPACT Partners in its successful investment of $6.6m in We Are Digital.

IMPACT Partners is a pan-European investment platform dedicated impact investing, which focuses on sustainable investments that combine strong financial performance with positive social impact. IMPACT Partners has €340 AUM and 180+ deployed investments.

The investment in We Are Digital is IMPACT Partner’s first investment in the UK. We Are Digital helps people connect with local welfare services via a unique end-to-end platform that runs community programmes. Programmes such as job-seeking, developing digital skills, money management and advice on cost of living. Clients include Government bodies, housing associations, local authorities and corporates.

The investment from IMPACT Partners will be used to develop the platform and network further and expand community welfare programmes on offer.

Pierre-Paul Jacquet, Partner:

IMPACT Partners is at the forefront of impact investing in Europe and the platform developed by We Are Digital is making a difference in a number of communities across the UK.  We were delighted to support IMPACT Partners as they completed their first investment in the country.

Further reading:

We Are Digital secures $6.6m in funding from Europe's biggest impact fund

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