Outlook for M&A in 2021

Deal Advisory - 2020 review and outlook for 2021

January 2021

Welcome to our first Deal Advisory update of 2021. Alongside a review of the 2020 deal market in which we showcase our own transaction highlights, we shine a light on a number of key sectors and areas of the market.

We start with the powerhouse that is Private Equity. This continues to be a dominant force in the UK Mergers & Acquisitons (M&A) landscape and the outlook for this is unabated for 2021.

 Next we look at Energy, a globally active sector for M&A, but one that doesn’t always make the headlines and one that proved resilient, particularly in the renewable energy segment, in 2020. Then insurance broking, a big marketplace dominated by a number of larger players in which deal activity continues to be buoyed by consolidation.

By contrast we turn to a niche sector, the Trust and Fund Administration marketplace, which is catching the eye of buyers and where M&A activity has steadily been increasing over the last decade.

Attuned to a market environment where many sectors have been heavily impacted by lockdown after lockdown, we consider the emergence and likely future boom in “special situation” transactions.

The prospect of an uplift in Capital Gains Tax boosted transaction activity in the run up to the March budget. In addition to this, we consider the ever-increasing threat to investment value that comes from cyber attack.

We hope these updates provide you with useful insight as you consider your M&A plans and strategy for 2021 and beyond.


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