IT Resilience Assessments

Prevent the loss of IT services to users and customers, as well as delay or prevent the need to invoke your IT Disaster Recovery Plan.

IT resilience assessments

It has never been more important to have an ‘appropriate’ IT resilience in place to help prevent the loss of IT services to users and customers, as well as delay or prevent the need to invoke your IT Disaster Recovery Plan.    

Our IT resilience assessment focuses on three areas: 

Technology resilience including component/device resilience, removing unacceptable single points of failure and scalability.

IT People resilience including key person risk, staff and third-party capability.

IT Processes resilience including alignment to IT standards, incident response and capacity/availability management. 

We will gain an understanding of your IT function (including IT architecture) and business plans to help judge what an ‘appropriate’ resilience strategy is for your organisation. We then create a report that’s easy to understand which details findings, recommendations and a high-level IT architecture diagram. This will also identify areas for improvement with justification and a priority status. 

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