Travel risk management: relevelling and remobilising

The last couple of years have been witness to a multitude of unprecedented events which have disrupted our mobility agendas and forced us to rethink our approach.

Notably, US Immigration policy, Brexit, and the pandemic have stifled our ability to travel. As borders open up and there is a renewed appetite to travel and organisations are now in a position to relevel their travel and mobility strategies and start to remobilise their workforces.

This relevelling brings the opportunity to reflect on existing processes and the risks associated with a mobile workforce and bridge the gaps responsibly.

What does good look like? What should you be asking your mobility programme?

  • Do we know where our people are at any given time?
  • Are we confident at the individual level and from an enterprise perspective that we have the appropriate controls in place to enable responsible travel and mobility assignments?

If you can’t answer these questions confidently, are you introducing operational or reputational risk into your organisation through your mobility agenda?

A responsible approach

Mobility risks can be viewed across three distinct themes:

  • Geopolitical risks – where you’re travelling to
  • Business risks – the activities you are conducting
  • Personal risks – the risks an individual introduces

These risks can be managed through a consistent and effective travel risk management programme with the appropriate escalations, approvals and controls.

Mapping these risks at an enterprise level enables an organisation to understand their mobility risk exposure.

  • Geopolitical risks – the concentration of the workforce in greater than normal risk regions
  • Business risks – the occurrences of higher risk activities
  • Personal risks – the % of the workforce exposed to greater than normal risks

Managing the mobility risks

Travel risk management table graphic

Managing Enterprise Risk Exposure

Mazars can help you gain a view of your mobility risk exposure to facilitate a responsibly managed mobility programme.

  1. We consolidate data from internal mobility and booking systems, travel management providers, open-source and third parties, to gain an enterprise view of risk exposure across the three risk themes.
  2. We work with you to extrapolate the data into the key risk themes from which we develop key risk indicators.

This materialises as a dynamic mobility risk exposure dashboard that allows you to manage your enterprise mobility programme risks responsibly.

Get in touch

Please contact Dan Breger for further information on the risk management services we provide.

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