Change management

Maximising Transformation

Building resilience and agility among the workforce to adopt new ways of working that embrace change.

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Our approach

Today, change is essential in business. But it is not always easy. We understand the desires of business leaders to grow their organisations, while simultaneously faced with new opportunities and challenges in a fast-changing, ever pressurised business world.

As external challenges arise, organisations need to adapt and mould themselves through critical transformation initiatives to sharpen their competitive edge.

We work with our clients day in, day out, to balance budgetary constraints and time pressures to achieve their growth goals. Through our co-creation approach, we work side-by-side with clients to guide them through the obstacles of change, while ensuring project ownership lies within the organisation. Our ultimate goal is to help create sustainable businesses with a focus on growth.

Our change projects focus on how to help people engage and adopt new ways of working in their day-to-day business life. Our first-hand experience of change management based on myriad projects.

Change management - 5 step approach

Do you have a business challenge you need help with?

Schedule a free, one-hour virtual workshop with our team. Understanding your requirements is the first step towards helping you to achieve your business ambitions.

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Embedding effective change management that benefits organisations and people.

Can you be assured your organisation is ready to tackle the multiple challenges that the 4.0 economy brings? If not, then it might be time for an independent assessment and rethink of your business model. Mazars is here to help guide you towards your vision.

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Next Steps for Growth

At Mazars we design and build change around a structured four-step change delivery model. Our model is designed based on our years’ of experience and on-the-ground knowledge working with clients across industry sectors of how best to approach change management. We use a people-led focus because our client experience underlines the importance of setting aside time to celebrate the small wins and acknowledge progress along the journey at regular intervals. This means we are able to bring change champions and their direct reports along on the transformation path.

Our focus on momentum and co-creation means we design new processes and systems that put people’s behaviours at their heart of change to realise clients’ desired outcome.

Our Peak & Pivot Change Model is crafted to assist our clients nurture the power of their people to reach critical milestones during the process, adopt new solutions and tools, and seamlessly pivot to the new model.

From the start we work to align change champions around strategic initiatives, while crafting and executing a persona-driven communications and engagement strategy.

Analysing an organisation’s risk and readiness for wholesale change from the beginning ensures we can present client’s with an end-to-end strategy for change.

Move forward with Mazars

Schedule a free, one-hour virtual workshop with our team. Understanding your requirements is the first step towards successful enablement and helping you to achieve your business ambitions.

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