People & Skills

Equipping your workforce with the right skills, knowledge and experience to further their contribution.

People and Skills

People are the most important asset of any organisation but are often overlooked when it comes to investment. There is a tendency to boost hiring to sustain growth and focus on the quantity rather than the quality. We help you focus on the output and delivery of your workforce rather than the headcount, driving towards an agile and sustainable talent strategy. This enables you to improve your quality of delivery, enhance job satisfaction and drive your business strategy in alignment with your vision and culture.

Working alongside your staff, we identify both skill gaps and underutilised high-performers. We also help to define and deliver training programmes which are aligned with your strategy, enhancing talent for your current and future needs.

How we can help

  • Strategic alignment - Developing a framework defining the overall capabilities and the associated experience levels required by the organisation.
  • Capability assignment - Assigning the ideal capabilities and maturity required for each role in the organisation according to the framework.
  • Gap analysis - Identifying the gap between the current capability levels of roles within the finance function and the ideal capability.
  • Individual capability assessment - Mapping individual levels of capability against the ideal capability by role.
  • Capability development plan – Identifying learning, development, recruitment, talent management and performance requirements and then helping you to meet them.

What can you expect?

  • Enhanced productivity: Identifying strategies to increase the output and morale of your staff.
  • Strategic alignment: Increased number of value-add job roles, proactively providing strategic information to the business.
  • Targeted recruitment: Job specifications that attract candidates to your business and that truly align with the roles and responsibilities of the position

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