Is your supply chain sustainable and resilient enough?

According to our latest C-suite barometer, reviewing supply chains, operations and processes is the 3rd top priority for UK leaders. Beating talent attraction and retention strategies for their global counterparts. Why are executives so concerned about their supply chains and what can they do to ensure they are resilient and sustainable?

In today’s fast-moving world, businesses are building ever more complex supply chains and need to see it as an extension of their business and its values.

In this episode we delve into the definition of ‘supply chain’ - more wide-ranging than we might traditionally think! The panel discuss some of the challenges leaders face and, how those can be overcome. Our in-house fraud expert also gives a stark warning about the imminent ‘Failure to prevent fraud offence’.   

Listen to the latest edition of our C-speak podcast series to hear Olga Bezhentseva, Director, Commercial advisory practice, Alice Strevens, Director, Human Rights and Social Impact, Darya Oglezneva, Director, Forensic Investigation and Compliance and Mark Kennedy, Forvis Mazars Board Member, discuss these issues in more detail.

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00:00:06:09 - 00:00:09:10
Hello and welcome to this edition of the C-speak podcast,

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inspired by Seaspeak, the official  language of the seas

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that provides clear communication amongst ships captains.

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We bring together Forvis Mazars experts to discuss the big strategic

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challenges facing business leaders today.

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They're going to share their views, knowledge and practical

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tips to help businesses gain competitive advantage.

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I'm your host, Mark Kennedy, partner at Forvis Mazars.

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And today, I'm really excited to welcome three

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of our experts in the area of supply chain.

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The first is Olga Bezhentseva,

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who's a director in our commercial advisory

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practice who focuses on the delivery of strategic commercial advice,

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procurement and supply chain management services.

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We're also joined by Alice Strevens.

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Alice is a director in our Human Rights and Social Impact team, with 11 years

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experience of developing and implementing strategies to improve labour standards

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and human rights and global value chains.

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And last, we are joined by Darya Oglezneva,

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who is a director in our forensic and investigation services team.

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And she has significant experience conducting distributor and third party

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audits for companies seeking assurance that their partners are compliant

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with anti-bribery and corruption regulations.

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Thank you Olga, Alice and Darya, for joining us today.

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Today we're going to talk in a little bit of depth

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about the findings in our recent C-suite barometer,

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which showed that reviewing supply chains, operations and processes

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is the third top priority for UK business leaders.

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It's ahead of talent attraction and retention strategies,

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which is quite interesting, actually.

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And it's,

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I think stands out from some of the global feedback

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we've got on that C-suite barometer.

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So today we're going to try and dig into a little bit of why supply chains

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are topping up the agenda in the UK, what some of the challenges are,

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and what kind of areas business leaders might want to prioritise

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if they're going to be successful in managing supply chains well.

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So before we begin, and maybe I'll start with you, Olga,

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I was interested in trying to kind of define what do we mean by supply chain.

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Or value chain.

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What what are we talking about and why is it so important for so many businesses?

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Mark, thank you.

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And thank you for inviting to speak on this podcast today.

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actually, the definition of supply chain is not that straightforward.

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And I'm sure that my colleagues will present different sides

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of supply chain and what I will be talking about.

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Just to say that in today's fast moving and competitive world,

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the definition of supply chain goes

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much beyond just simple flow of goods and service provision.

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In my opinion, it's safe to say that supply chain

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is an extension of the companies they work with.

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More importantly, through this extension,

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they also spread their values and ways of working to achieve their main purpose.

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And this purpose is delivering value to the end users and just, by concluding,

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definition, from

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my perspective, I just need to say that supply chain,

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for any company is a network of interconnected organisations

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which contribute obviously to the value chain, throughout the lifecycle.

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Alice, when you think about it, how do you define it?

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Is it is is the same or do you have a different angle?

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I think it's very similar really, but from the perspective of understanding

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risks to people and planet, it's really about the interactions

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that are happening throughout that value chain.

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in particular, where a process is occurring to add value to a product

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or service.

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And this is really where, supply chain responsibility comes in.

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Traditionally, organisations would think about supply chains

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in terms of reputational risk, but increasingly there is a recognition

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that risks to people and planet can also be financial risks for organisations.

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So you know, and you're bringing in that risk perspective quite strongly.

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And I think we'll come back to that later.

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And again, just maybe to kind of set the parameters.

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Darya, how do you look at that interpretation or that definition.

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Thank you Mark.

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I agree with everything Olga and Alice

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have said because of what I do.

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I'm trained to think of supply chains in terms of fraud and non-compliance risk,

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all of which can lead to both financial underperformance and reputational damage.

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Let alone regulatory scrutiny.

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And in this sense, supply chain encompasses any third party

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that a company deals with in conducting their business,

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whether it is your service provider that overcharges for their work,

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or a distributor that offers bribes to win

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contracts for delivery of your company's products.

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But we also

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should not forget of agents and intermediaries

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that are helping your organisation to set up operations in a new country,

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which we might not immediately think of as being part of,

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a supply chain.

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That's really interesting.

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And it does open out, I think, a kind of a landscape

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that's much broader than often we think about certainly

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than I would think about somebody who is not so expert in this area.

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maybe just to to dive into the the C-suite survey a little bit.

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I think one of the big risks that came out strongly that

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that, executives were worrying about was the area of cyber security.

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Third party risk was another one regulatory compliance and fraud.

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All three of you have mentioned those

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in passing, as we were setting up the kind of overall landscape.

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But from a sustainability perspective,  Alice, what are the biggest worries

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that one might have in relation to third parties, particularly.

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So one of the biggest challenges is visibility.

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Most organisations will know who they pay so that tier one of the supply chain,

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but they'll have limited

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visibility as you go further down into the into the value chain.

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This is a particular challenge, right?

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Because if you can't see what is happening, you don't know where the risks

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those risks are either from how you're deriving financial value or your

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responsibility to identify, prevent or mitigate risks to people and planet.

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So that in and of

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itself is is one of the primary issues and is also,

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we're seeing a greater expectation through legislation

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of organisations needing to have that level of visibility.

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In addition, there's a challenge with, how do you go from risk identification?

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So an understanding of where risks may be present

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to the identification of actual impacts.

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And for a lot of organisations this is a resource issue.

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How do I really get under the hood of my supply chain

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to understand where those impacts occurring are occurring

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and which therefore may have a threat to people and the planet

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or indeed to reputational financial risks?

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For my business?

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So conducting, really thorough risk assessments,

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but then engagement with stakeholders in the value chain

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to determine where those impacts are happening is really, really critical.

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Another issue for organisations is leverage.

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Once you understand what's going on is how do you work to that

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to remediate the issues or to address those issues?

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If you are just one entity

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with a low level of leverage, and this is where participation

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in multi-stakeholder initiatives, working with sector colleagues comes in.

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And then finally, it's really about the quality and ease of gathering data.

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For most organisations, that will be a much more significant requirement to be

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able to demonstrate what is happening in the supply chain through data.

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But a lot of organisations still rely on spreadsheets and unverified

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information coming through from suppliers,

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and that is going to need to change in the coming years.

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And I think that's that's probably an area where we can provide a lot of help,

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I suspect.

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And as you said,

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the data issue doesn't take away responsibility.

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So compliance and fraud came up in the survey

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and you mentioned it in your introduction as well.

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What do you see when you're working with clients?

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What are the kind of issues that you you've noted recently?

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Mark, it will come as no surprise that

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global compliance landscape is becoming increasingly complex

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when it comes to just financial crime here in the UK.

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A company needs to think of UK bribery act

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anti-money laundering regulations, sanctions,

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corporate criminal offence for facilitation of tax evasion,

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as well as the new failure to prevent fraud

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that is due to go live any time now.

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Extraterritorial reach

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of these regulations means that a UK company will be liable

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for breaches that occur anywhere in the world.

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This means that overseas third

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parties up and down your supply chain are in scope.

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Cultural differences

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and the way business is conducted in different parts of the world

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add another layer of complexity to ensuring compliance for organisations.

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Okay, and that complexity, I presume, means a lot of cost

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in managing some of these issues as well as the reputational and other damage

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if you get it wrong.

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Olga, as we've seen, supply chains are really important for everyone.

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I think most businesses are heavily dependent on supply chains

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in some shape or form these days.

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The priorities seem to differ quite a bit between larger and smaller companies,

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and I think what we were seeing,

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say on the smaller company side is that cost reduction,

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is a big issue dealing with new technology, a big issue.

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And I was interested in your view on that.

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And maybe your view more broadly on

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what you see is very critical to companies of any size.

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Absolutely. Thank you. Mark.

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Yes we work with

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small, medium and large companies, and obviously

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we help them to shape and understand their supply chain.

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And as you mentioned, it's absolutely, right that,

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for small companies, cost saving is seen as a priority.

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in my opinion, mainly because they have fewer resources

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and tighter margins than larger companies.

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However, which would tend to me some advantage is,

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such as smaller companies are more adaptable

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and flexible to the changes of the external environment.

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And, this can be

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any activity is

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starting from partnership with a local suppliers and organisations

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developing innovative approach,

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of addressing supply chain jointly with those suppliers.

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But one aspect is utilising new technologies as we know,

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technologies were available predominately for larger companies because of cost.

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Now even simple features such as data analysis,

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availability of information can become a game changer for smaller companies.

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And one factor which I would like to,

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stress, which is important for both,

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small or larger

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size of company is its importance of,

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ensuring that your supply chain is resilient

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and by saying resilient is making sure

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that the supply chain is available, because availability

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is one of the critical factor which measures success of supply chain.

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And, it's particularly important,

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because in the world of, disruption, conflicts, climate change,

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resilience is becoming a significant point.

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We all need to think about.

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Yeah. And I think that that's good advice.

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And we've seen a lot,

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I suppose, in the last couple of years where supply chains have been threatened

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or interrupted, as you say, and so that the resilience

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and failsafe element is, is really critical.

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Alice, I think sticking with the kind of larger company view.

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It came out very strongly

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that for large companies, sustainability was their number one concern

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when when we looked at the survey results and that's by quite a margin.

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It was it stood out as their, their main, priority.

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What's driving that you think?

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Firstly, I think it's a significant shift in sustainability related legislation

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primarily that's driven from within the European Union.

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So both national and pan-European law.

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But a lot of that legislation, and it's similar to what Darya is saying

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is extraterritorial, or rather it's purposefully cross-border.

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So for organisations who, either trade

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within the European Union or a part of the value chain of

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or other organisations that do, it becomes a market access requirement,

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and we will see an increasing amount of information requests on actors

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within the supply chain to provide verified, reliable data

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to organisations that need to comply in order to then,

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be able to be competitive against their peers.

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In addition to that, stakeholders becoming more vociferous.

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So as you get larger your stakeholders, whether

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that's investors, your clients, as I've just mentioned,

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or broader stakeholder communities are expecting increasing,

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supply chain or

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sustainability responsibility from companies.

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And then finally, we're going to see the introduction

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of mandatory assurance on sustainability disclosures.

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At the moment, that is primarily linked to the Corporate

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Sustainability Reporting Directive in the European Union.

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But as the IFRS, S1 and S2 standards come through as well,

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assurance of sustainability information will become the norm

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and with that assurance will become, will come a greater reliance on

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verifiable, accurate information.

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That's really interesting.

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And I suppose, it does for boards

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pose that question around what assurance have you got today?

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And while related to the future and what you can do.

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Sorry. Go ahead.

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And and how you can make that journey from where what state is my information

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today versus actually how will I create, an audit file

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that can be presented to an auditor in order for them to give that opinion?

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And there's a long journey for a lot of companies to go on for that.

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Yeah, and it does.

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I suppose

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you've all touched on different risks that one might be trying to manage there.

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So again,

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it's really going to become quite central, I suspect to many companies

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in how they manage that.

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Well, Darya, the survey showed that over 70%

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of companies are doing risk assessments on their suppliers periodically.

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And again, the top risks that jumped out were around cyber and business continuity.

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Fraud was fourth from the top, which I was a little bit surprised that,

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do you think boards are focussed enough on that fraud issue?

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Simple answer is no.

00:15:38:14 - 00:15:43:00
it is still quite often the case that there is no board member,

00:15:43:14 - 00:15:46:01
charged with fraud, risk management

00:15:46:01 - 00:15:49:13
and fraud counts on the agenda and only when it happens.

00:15:49:20 - 00:15:52:17
And by this time it is firefighting.

00:15:52:17 - 00:15:56:13
This should, however, change very soon with the help of the failure

00:15:56:13 - 00:16:01:00
to prevent fraud offence that is due to go live this year in the UK.

00:16:01:24 - 00:16:04:12
Not only will organisations

00:16:04:12 - 00:16:08:01
be required to implement fraud prevention procedures,

00:16:08:13 - 00:16:12:05
the key change will be the focus on organisations

00:16:12:05 - 00:16:15:13
being the perpetrator rather than the victim of fraud.

00:16:16:07 - 00:16:19:11
This is quite revolutionary I must say.

00:16:19:24 - 00:16:22:16
Many companies and their boards

00:16:22:16 - 00:16:26:20
are used to thinking in terms of protecting their organisation

00:16:26:20 - 00:16:29:10
from becoming a victim of fraud.

00:16:29:10 - 00:16:33:08
This will now change and will require a radical

00:16:33:08 - 00:16:36:22
rethinking of existing fraud risk management frameworks.

00:16:37:11 - 00:16:40:11
If up or down your supply chain,

00:16:40:14 - 00:16:43:06
a third party is committing fraud

00:16:43:06 - 00:16:46:18
that somehow benefits your organisation.

00:16:47:07 - 00:16:51:00
This can create exposure to risk and liability

00:16:51:05 - 00:16:52:08
for your company.

00:16:52:16 - 00:16:54:13
And so it is not only about

00:16:54:13 - 00:16:57:18
implementing controls to prevent your service provider

00:16:57:18 - 00:17:02:01
from overcharging the company, but also establishing procedures

00:17:02:01 - 00:17:05:13
to prevent your organisation and your supply chain partners.

00:17:06:07 - 00:17:10:16
Being an extension of your organisation as Olga has mentioned earlier,

00:17:11:04 - 00:17:14:00
from perpetrating fraudulent activities.

00:17:15:13 - 00:17:17:03
Okay, that's really interesting.

00:17:17:03 - 00:17:18:09
And as you say,

00:17:18:09 - 00:17:21:18
quite a kind of revolutionary change in the legal perspective on it.

00:17:22:15 - 00:17:25:15
is that is that unique in the UK?

00:17:25:21 - 00:17:28:09
In other words? Yeah, it's very good.

00:17:28:09 - 00:17:30:19
It is quite unique in the UK.

00:17:30:19 - 00:17:33:21
It follows in terms of being a failure to prevent.

00:17:33:21 - 00:17:37:07
It follows in the footsteps of failure to prevent bribery

00:17:37:17 - 00:17:40:17
and failure to prevent facilitation of tax evasion.

00:17:41:01 - 00:17:43:08
But when it comes to fraud,

00:17:43:08 - 00:17:47:03
it is quite revolutionary in the world.

00:17:47:24 - 00:17:48:15
Yeah, yeah.

00:17:48:15 - 00:17:50:22
No, I was thinking I haven't, I haven't heard this

00:17:50:22 - 00:17:52:09
the same in other jurisdictions.

00:17:52:09 - 00:17:55:09
And, and I presume, as you said earlier, that

00:17:55:12 - 00:17:59:12
a lot of this is going to be played outside of the UK as well,

00:17:59:22 - 00:18:03:04
by virtue of the supply chain stretch that most companies have.

00:18:04:01 - 00:18:05:12
Absolutely. You all right?

00:18:05:12 - 00:18:09:07
It has extraterritorial reach that we've been talking about.

00:18:10:13 - 00:18:12:07
And again,

00:18:12:07 - 00:18:15:11
what Alice mentioned earlier about having that audit

00:18:15:11 - 00:18:19:03
file, right, to support your ESG reporting.

00:18:19:23 - 00:18:22:23
Now, if this audit file,

00:18:24:04 - 00:18:28:04
is not up to standard and,

00:18:29:05 - 00:18:31:13
a claim can be made that you as to

00:18:31:13 - 00:18:35:02
your ESG reporting is unsupported.

00:18:35:02 - 00:18:38:23
And as such, you might be committing fraud by misrepresentation.

00:18:39:09 - 00:18:43:06
This new offence will make it much easier

00:18:43:09 - 00:18:47:11
for the regulator to prosecute your organisation for that.

00:18:47:23 - 00:18:50:24
And the what's at stake is an unlimited fine.

00:18:52:01 - 00:18:52:24
Okay, great.

00:18:52:24 - 00:18:55:24
Which again is something we've seen more of in other areas like,

00:18:56:18 - 00:18:57:24
data privacy and so on.

00:18:57:24 - 00:19:00:17
But again, the very owners for companies,

00:19:00:17 - 00:19:04:05
if they fall into the trap of having risks unmanaged there.

00:19:04:16 - 00:19:09:01
So I think standing back from the survey results overall,

00:19:09:20 - 00:19:13:03
the UK C-suite seem to be generally feeding back

00:19:13:03 - 00:19:16:03
that they were satisfied with their performance of supply chains.

00:19:16:18 - 00:19:18:24
In our conversation, we've noted a number of areas

00:19:18:24 - 00:19:20:06
that they may want to think about.

00:19:21:10 - 00:19:22:21
again, because of either

00:19:22:21 - 00:19:25:21
new legislation, as we've just mentioned, are some challenges

00:19:25:21 - 00:19:29:16
which are beginning to be monitored and and looked at in different ways.

00:19:30:03 - 00:19:30:19
I was interested

00:19:30:19 - 00:19:34:13
just to go around the table before we conclude and get your kind of top

00:19:34:13 - 00:19:37:13
tip to a board that might be listening.

00:19:37:17 - 00:19:40:10
in terms of what can take you

00:19:40:10 - 00:19:43:11
from good to great in your opinion, and maybe I'll start with Olga,

00:19:43:11 - 00:19:46:00
go to Alice and then Darya.

00:19:46:00 - 00:19:46:19

00:19:46:19 - 00:19:48:13
Yes, it's hard to pick one,

00:19:48:13 - 00:19:53:10
but I will and, I will, my tip will be

00:19:54:10 - 00:19:58:15
look at your supply chain, start understanding your supply chain,

00:19:58:15 - 00:20:03:24
including tier one and two suppliers, and do everything possible

00:20:04:04 - 00:20:07:00
to improve the resilience of your supply chain.

00:20:07:00 - 00:20:12:05
And by saying that is not about writing your policy or incorporating your clause

00:20:12:05 - 00:20:18:00
in your contract terms, it's about working with your supply chain collaboratively.

00:20:18:07 - 00:20:22:06
And I just mentioned earlier today it's about understanding,

00:20:22:15 - 00:20:26:17
actors within the supply chain and also undertaking risk assessment.

00:20:26:22 - 00:20:29:22
So, once again, to conclude,

00:20:30:00 - 00:20:33:13
work collaboratively with your supply chain to improve resilience.

00:20:34:18 - 00:20:36:08
Great, Alice?

00:20:36:08 - 00:20:37:15
Thank Olga.

00:20:37:15 - 00:20:40:15
I mean, all of those things are absolutely critical.

00:20:41:06 - 00:20:45:03
perhaps one of the areas that I think is important from a sustainability

00:20:45:03 - 00:20:47:00
perspective is how do I identify

00:20:47:00 - 00:20:50:19
what I need to work on and prioritise, because otherwise there's just too much.

00:20:51:07 - 00:20:55:15
So I would say to all companies, start by conducting a double materiality

00:20:55:15 - 00:21:00:18
assessment to look at impacts and then financial risks and opportunities.

00:21:01:00 - 00:21:04:00
And it's those collective

00:21:04:18 - 00:21:07:16
risks that are actually, material to your business that you can

00:21:07:16 - 00:21:10:21
then prioritise and gives you a roadmap of where to start.

00:21:11:11 - 00:21:13:22
Very good. And Darya?

00:21:13:22 - 00:21:18:13
When it comes to fraud and regulatory compliance in your supply chain.

00:21:18:13 - 00:21:21:14
My top tip is conducting a thorough risk assessment

00:21:21:24 - 00:21:24:18
and take it seriously as well,

00:21:24:18 - 00:21:27:18
as Olga and Alice have mentioned.

00:21:27:22 - 00:21:30:22
This will provide you with understanding

00:21:31:05 - 00:21:34:06
of which parts of your supply chain are most vulnerable

00:21:34:15 - 00:21:38:24
and allow to use the always limited resources most efficiently.

00:21:40:00 - 00:21:40:18
Mark, you have

00:21:40:18 - 00:21:45:18
mentioned earlier that the C-suite survey shows most companies

00:21:45:18 - 00:21:50:17
do risk assess their third parties, and this is absolutely the right thing to do.

00:21:51:15 - 00:21:54:17
We also said that supply chain

00:21:55:07 - 00:22:00:12
landscape is becoming increasingly complex, and one aspect of this complexity

00:22:00:21 - 00:22:05:02
is the sheer number of third parties within modern supply chains.

00:22:06:01 - 00:22:10:14
And imagine conducting the same level of due diligence on thousands

00:22:10:14 - 00:22:14:14
and thousands of third parties that you work with to one into two.

00:22:15:10 - 00:22:17:17
That's completely unnecessary.

00:22:17:17 - 00:22:21:03
Instead, conduct a thorough risk assessment

00:22:21:03 - 00:22:25:02
and calibrate your due diligence requirements to fit the risks.

00:22:26:04 - 00:22:29:21
I will say that with careful training and monitoring,

00:22:30:03 - 00:22:35:04
it is possible within normal risk appetite to protect your company from

00:22:35:08 - 00:22:40:19
from supply chain fraud and to business in a legal and ethical way.

00:22:41:23 - 00:22:44:02
That's a very positive note to end on.

00:22:44:02 - 00:22:46:11
And I'm glad, actually.

00:22:46:11 - 00:22:49:11
And interestingly, if I was to summarise what you've all said.

00:22:49:13 - 00:22:52:12
Risk assessment, build a roadmap

00:22:52:12 - 00:22:55:12
and build resilience, that's maybe a neat way of covering it.

00:22:56:05 - 00:23:00:00
That brings us to the end of this episode of C-speak by Forvis Mazars.

00:23:00:11 - 00:23:04:13
Thanks to Olga, Alice and Darya for joining us and sharing their insights.

00:23:05:11 - 00:23:08:08
Please do look out for more supply chain insights

00:23:08:08 - 00:23:11:24
that we put out on our website and and through social media.

00:23:12:10 - 00:23:16:11
The guys are regularly publishing and contributing to debates, on how

00:23:16:11 - 00:23:21:01
the industry is developing and wants to thank you, particularly for listening.

00:23:21:01 - 00:23:23:10
I hope the podcasts helped you to begin

00:23:23:10 - 00:23:26:17
to navigate some of the challenges that our experts have talked about today,

00:23:27:07 - 00:23:30:16
and if you enjoyed the show, please do subscribe on Apple

00:23:31:01 - 00:23:36:07
or Patreon or wherever you get your and your, podcasts.

00:23:36:07 - 00:23:38:04
And be sure to come back to our next discussion

00:23:38:04 - 00:23:42:16
where we'll have some more experts talking about other issues in the coming weeks.

00:23:43:03 - 00:23:45:18
Until then, this is Mark Kennedy  from Forvis Mazars.

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