Growing global - plotting the right path for international growth

The recent Forvis Mazars report: C-suite Barometer revealed Growing your business globally is a top priority for UK business leaders, where 24% said they were looking to expand internationally in 2024.

In today’s fast-moving world, businesses are looking to expand internationally as they grow. There are several reasons why international expansion is on the agenda. Including increasing market share and exploring efficiencies or looking for better ways to do business.

But the path doesn’t always run smoothly.

In this episode, we delve into what we mean by growing internationally, the drivers behind it, the challenges and tips on how businesses can chart a path that sets them up for success.

Listen to the latest edition of our C-speak podcast series to hear Helen Parker, Partner, Business Consulting, Catherine Hall, Partner, International Tax and Global Compliance & Reporting, Lara Brennan, Partner, Accounting and Outsourcing team and Gareth Jones, Partner & Group Head of Privately Owned Business, discuss these issues in more detail.

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00:00:06:08 - 00:00:06:19
Hello and

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welcome to this edition of the
C-speak podcast.

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Inspired by
Seaspeak, the official language of the seas

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that provides clear communications
amongst ship captains.

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We bring together
Forvis Mazars experts to discuss

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the big strategic challenges
facing business leaders today.

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I'm your host, Gareth
Jones, Partner and Global

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Head of privately owned business
at Forvis Mazars.

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So today we'll be discussing
the complexity and barriers

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faced by businesses.

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When looking to expand internationally

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and how businesses can do this
with confidence.

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I'm really excited to welcome our panel
of experts from Forvis Mazars.

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We have Helen Parker who leads our Strategy and
Consulting Services team,

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specialising in business transformation.

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Catherine Hall, a partner
in our International Tax and Global Compliance

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team, and Lara Brennan, partner
in our Accounting and Outsourcing team.

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So what's the topic?

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The recent Forvis Mazars report,
C-suite Barometer, revealed growing business

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growing your business globally
is a top priority for UK business leaders,

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but around
24% said they were looking to expand

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internationally in 2024.

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Of course, there are several reasons why
international expansion is on the agenda

00:01:16:06 - 00:01:18:03
increasing market share,

00:01:18:03 - 00:01:21:22
exploring efficiencies or looking for
better ways of doing business.

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But we know the path doesn't
always run smoothly.

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So today we'll discuss
some of the drivers, some of the pitfalls

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and things to look out for.

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So let's get started.

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So my first question is what do we mean

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by growing or expanding internationally?

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I'll come to you first, Helen.

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Thanks, Gareth.

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Yes, when we
we support a lot of clients in, exploring,

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international, and move internationally.

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Sometimes that can be something
as simple as just starting

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to export your products
to a different market.

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It could be joining up with agents
or local partners

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in other markets
so that they sell, your goods for you.

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Or it could be, a much bigger step,
and probably a more risky step,

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in terms of setting up operations abroad,

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or a further step to actually setting up
a statutory legal entity abroad.

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And all these come with,
different benefits or different risks.

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I think it's important to understand
the context

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that when we talk about international,
we're covering all of these aspects.

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Thanks, Helen.

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Catherine or Lara, do you want to jump in there before
we get onto the first question?

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I guess just to to add to what Helen said,

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might be a bit of a different journey

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as well for each business in terms
of how how they expand.

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They might start with one, a move,
move on to another, and the tipping point

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can vary very much depending on the market
you're operating in,

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the type of business you're operating in.

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Particularly when you're looking at goods
versus services.

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For example,

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whether you're putting

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employees on the ground
or whether you are able

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to just to

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access new markets for the provision
of provision of your goods and services

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so that, you know, each journey does
look a little bit different, but,

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and each bit comes
with different levels of complexity.

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And Lara. 
I think there's a lot of businesses

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that just want to exploit
the opportunities globally.

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So for example, you know,
that can be lower production costs.

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and there's some talent acquisition

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You know, you can tap into a more diverse
talent pool, so that the, you know,

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more innovation in that region,
there's access to different technologies.

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So if we think about growing in size,
what are the drivers

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behind businesses wanting to do this?

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you know, and especially given the current
economic climate.

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I think as Lara said,
there can be various,

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reasons as to why
you may want to internationalise.

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I think it's really important that whilst

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there might appear to be a demand
for your products or your services,

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so you may have identified
that there's a gap in the market.

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I think what's really important
is doing that thorough analysis

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and really ascertaining
whether there's a market in that gap.

00:04:05:23 - 00:04:08:14
and, you know, there'll be very different,

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sort of cost base
when you're talking about

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other countries that could be, as Lara
said, different sort of labour costs.

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They could be, you know, reduced
or actually in some cases,

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they could be increased.

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And it's really about making sure
that the reason you are

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is for the right reasons.

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And you've really done that
thorough market and competitor analysis

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to understand what, you know,
the sort of income and profit levels

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that you could be achieving,
but then really making sure,

00:04:41:04 - 00:04:45:00
that you cover your costs and how
that cost base could be different.

00:04:45:00 - 00:04:49:12
You know, everything from labour costs
to logistics and supply chain.

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and it's certainly not ignoring
the additional management time

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that's going to be
needed, in order to set up,

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you know,
whatever the operations might be.

00:05:01:13 - 00:05:04:07
so, yeah, I think it's important
to make sure that you're doing it

00:05:04:07 - 00:05:09:17
for the right reasons, that the benefits
or the net benefits are there.

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And you can only do that through really
thorough market and competitor analysis

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and making sure that you're doing it
for the right strategic reasons.

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And it links to your longer term strategy
and that you're not just

00:05:21:07 - 00:05:25:14
being opportunistic, that you've spotted
a potential gap in the market.

00:05:27:09 - 00:05:31:08
And I think just to add to what
Helen was saying in terms of that kind of cost

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benefit analysis
overlaying the tax aspects of it

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and not just in terms of those
for the business

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from a corporate income
tax perspective, sales or local tax

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around the provision of services,
for example, but also looking at,

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costs of employing the whole costs,
employing people or having consultants

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on the ground.

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For example, will you have additional

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reporting requirements
as an employer on the ground,

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even if you don't have your own,
your full, fully fledged entity,

00:06:00:23 - 00:06:04:00
will they be withholding taxes to,
to factor into that cost base?

00:06:04:00 - 00:06:06:19
And looking at it
holistically, is really important.

00:06:06:19 - 00:06:11:05
And whilst we would never say looking for
tax efficiency should be the main driver,

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that that strategic part is really,
really important actually.

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Can you look at locations and markets
that overlay where you might be able

00:06:19:09 - 00:06:23:02
to actually build tax efficiency
into your supply chain?

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So, sort of taking it, taking an advantage
there where the business need

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and the tax align, which
is one thing to think about.

00:06:33:01 - 00:06:35:17
I think, Helen,
you just covered sort of strategy.

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And Catherine
spoke a little bit about sort of tax

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structure as well in efficiencies.

00:06:43:14 - 00:06:44:16
But may I just add,

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it's around navigating global compliance.

00:06:48:01 - 00:06:51:04
You really need to understand
the global compliance because it's tricky.

00:06:52:04 - 00:06:55:16
the regulatory landscape in each country
totally differs.

00:06:56:10 - 00:06:58:22
and you've got to understand that
country by country where you operate,

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because it is actually really different

00:07:00:18 - 00:07:04:21
when you've got sales tax nexus in the US,
which completely vary by state.

00:07:05:06 - 00:07:09:02
You got things like E-Invoicing,
which should be mandated in the EU, but

00:07:09:02 - 00:07:13:01
in, in different, in different countries
adopting at different times.

00:07:13:08 - 00:07:17:14
So really for me it's about understanding
the localisation process as well.

00:07:18:12 - 00:07:22:06
in terms of global compliance,
it's to ensure

00:07:22:06 - 00:07:25:08
that you're sort of successfully able
to expand internationally.

00:07:27:06 - 00:07:31:14
So, you know, if those are the drivers,
you know, what what are therefore

00:07:31:14 - 00:07:35:06
the the, the keys to really successful
international expansion.

00:07:35:14 - 00:07:37:12
in some of the next steps,
I'll come to you, Helen.

00:07:39:06 - 00:07:42:02
I think it's that thorough analysis
at the beginning,

00:07:42:02 - 00:07:46:12
you know, certainly since, Brexit,
we've had a lot of clients

00:07:46:12 - 00:07:49:15
come to us saying that
they want to set up operations in Europe.

00:07:50:18 - 00:07:56:02
And that whilst and as Lara said,
each country can come with very specific

00:07:56:06 - 00:07:59:18
and, you know, benefits
and also risks and requirements.

00:08:00:09 - 00:08:03:02
what we typically do
is supporting our clients

00:08:03:02 - 00:08:05:14
with some form of options analysis.

00:08:05:14 - 00:08:08:14
So setting out what are your strategic,

00:08:09:04 - 00:08:11:11
so long term goals,

00:08:11:11 - 00:08:12:02
what should that

00:08:12:02 - 00:08:15:15
sort of strategic criteria
be that we're assessing each option

00:08:15:20 - 00:08:18:18
against probably throwing in there some,

00:08:18:18 - 00:08:23:18
some operational, goals and as well
and then really assessing a

00:08:23:18 - 00:08:28:08
number of countries against those criteria
to then come up with a shortlist.

00:08:28:08 - 00:08:31:17
So we typically look at, say
five countries filter

00:08:31:17 - 00:08:33:14
that down to three countries.

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And then you know,

00:08:34:18 - 00:08:39:02
so keep assessing them to
then come up with the favoured country.

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And actually as you start to look at all
those different criteria, each country,

00:08:43:16 - 00:08:46:16
even within
the EU, has very, very different,

00:08:47:07 - 00:08:49:17
costs and benefits.

00:08:49:17 - 00:08:52:17
you know, everything
from sort of regulatory,

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right through to sort of cultural,

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and transport obviously being a key,
a key, sort of cost driver as well.

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and then I think

00:09:02:21 - 00:09:06:05
going through that thorough, robust

00:09:06:19 - 00:09:10:05
you will have the most informed
strategic decision.

00:09:10:05 - 00:09:14:04
Then, and it's really important
just to assess that you,

00:09:14:10 - 00:09:17:09
like I said at the beginning, that there's
not just that gap in the market

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you've identified, but you've you're able
to really prove that you can do this

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with the resources that you've got both,

00:09:26:02 - 00:09:29:02
you know, money,
but also in terms of management time,

00:09:29:07 - 00:09:31:15
and really making sure that before
you press the button,

00:09:31:15 - 00:09:34:15
you've done
you've gone through that robust process.

00:09:35:04 - 00:09:38:02
and I think, you know,
that mapping of the strategy

00:09:38:02 - 00:09:41:10
is, is really, really important
from a tax perspective as well.

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But the complexity comes when you're
mapping that against a changing

00:09:45:05 - 00:09:45:23
tax landscape.

00:09:45:23 - 00:09:48:23
You know, we know the tax changes
all the time.

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we've had a lot of initiatives
around, global compliance,

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with the OECD pushing for a standard
minimum, taxes, for example.

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But equally, each time
there is a change in country

00:10:01:12 - 00:10:05:02
mapping, your decision against what
that might look like becomes more complex.

00:10:06:03 - 00:10:07:20
and so knowing what's required

00:10:07:20 - 00:10:11:21
for identifying the right tax
structure for your business upfront,

00:10:11:21 - 00:10:16:15
but building in flex to allow change
where those, those environments

00:10:16:15 - 00:10:20:13
change in the regulations
change is also really, really important.

00:10:20:18 - 00:10:23:09
And it can actually be business critical.

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so it's complex,
but working with the right partner

00:10:25:13 - 00:10:28:13
who can help you navigate that
and do that overlay.

00:10:28:17 - 00:10:31:18
to the piece that Helen was talking about
around that robust

00:10:32:02 - 00:10:36:15
bringing tax into that, an understanding
is, is really, really important.

00:10:37:09 - 00:10:41:14
Can I just add to that, Catherine, that,
you know, doing these things

00:10:42:00 - 00:10:45:15
retrospectively is always really,
really difficult.

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The key to success is being proactive.

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And actually, whilst
you're mapping out, actually spending time

00:10:52:16 - 00:10:54:05
with an advisor that can help you grow

00:10:54:05 - 00:10:57:17
globally will actually save you
a lot of time and money,

00:10:57:23 - 00:11:00:21
because it's such a lengthy process
to try and understand

00:11:00:21 - 00:11:04:07
all of the different moving parts
on a different country by country basis.

00:11:04:15 - 00:11:07:18
You need expert advice to help you
and hold your hand so that you can get to

00:11:07:18 - 00:11:10:18
that point a lot quicker
and in a more cost effective way.

00:11:11:16 - 00:11:15:10
So we've looked at those key areas,
but clearly there must be challenges

00:11:15:10 - 00:11:16:18
and pitfalls.

00:11:16:18 - 00:11:20:17
so so how can a business plan and I guess
prepare for international expansion

00:11:21:02 - 00:11:24:02
and sort of give it their best shot
first time?

00:11:24:02 - 00:11:26:02
I'll come to you, Catherine. Maybe first.

00:11:26:02 - 00:11:27:06
Thanks. Thanks, Gareth.

00:11:27:06 - 00:11:31:01
I think, just leading on for what
we just talked about understanding

00:11:31:03 - 00:11:35:05
the local markets is really key
and what those requirements might mean

00:11:35:05 - 00:11:38:06
for you on the ground
in terms of cost and resources.

00:11:38:06 - 00:11:41:19
So for example,
there's an increase in requirement

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for to have substance on the ground

00:11:45:07 - 00:11:50:05
with some countries in the Asia-Pacific
region, for example, requiring you to have

00:11:50:05 - 00:11:53:15
a local director sitting on the board
as well as an established office.

00:11:53:18 - 00:11:57:14
So understanding that up front helps
you as you're making that plan,

00:11:58:05 - 00:12:01:05
and you're looking at
that analysis is to the, to the market,

00:12:01:18 - 00:12:04:22
how you want to enter, strategically,

00:12:05:03 - 00:12:08:19
I think, you know, you have to
look at the whole gamut across tax.

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It's not just the corporate income tax,
but what the business

00:12:11:16 - 00:12:15:15
is going to be paying on profits
this is generating in country.

00:12:15:22 - 00:12:18:22
You have to look at the cost
of moving people.

00:12:18:22 - 00:12:20:00
So existing people

00:12:20:00 - 00:12:23:20
you may have, you may want to put in
to help you build the business locally.

00:12:24:01 - 00:12:27:10
What's that going to mean for you
in terms of tax exposure and tax costs?

00:12:27:10 - 00:12:28:02
The business,

00:12:29:01 - 00:12:29:15
looking at

00:12:29:15 - 00:12:32:16
things like immigration
and transfer pricing.

00:12:32:16 - 00:12:36:21
So is more in the more environment
you're operating in, the more complexity

00:12:36:21 - 00:12:39:03
you bring into your business,
the more requirement

00:12:39:03 - 00:12:42:20
there is just to document and,
give yourself the best possible position

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looking at efficiency, but also making
sure you're meeting local requirements

00:12:47:05 - 00:12:51:07
for compliance and reporting
and understanding when those will kick in.

00:12:51:22 - 00:12:54:22
and looking at state and local taxes
as well as any incentives.

00:12:55:01 - 00:12:57:22
So we have an R&D and innovation
regime in the UK.

00:12:57:22 - 00:13:00:19
There are similar regimes
in a lot of other jurisdictions.

00:13:00:19 - 00:13:02:22
Are there other types of innovation

00:13:02:22 - 00:13:07:06
or incentives that you could be looking to
to take advantage of in-country?

00:13:07:06 - 00:13:10:20
And all of that becomes really,
really important to understand.

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And working, as Lara says, working
with the right partner who can help you

00:13:14:15 - 00:13:16:04
as these things change.

00:13:16:04 - 00:13:20:05
So giving you the oversight
and the governance, as a business,

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you know, that you're running the business
to be able to kind of flex and adapt

00:13:24:03 - 00:13:27:05
as those things change,
but also make those decisions

00:13:27:05 - 00:13:30:06
that really clear decisions upfront
before you go into a new market.

00:13:30:13 - 00:13:33:14
And the best way to go into the market,
will just help it all

00:13:33:14 - 00:13:35:17
as a success.

00:13:36:16 - 00:13:39:10
Yeah, I actually I agree with Catherine,
which is good.

00:13:39:10 - 00:13:40:17

00:13:40:17 - 00:13:43:14
I would also go for adaptability
and flexibility,

00:13:43:14 - 00:13:46:14
but maybe from a slightly different lens.

00:13:46:18 - 00:13:50:10
you know, when we talk about
and taking your products or services

00:13:50:18 - 00:13:54:11
to other countries,
you will probably have to adapt those

00:13:54:11 - 00:13:57:00
for whatever the, you know,
local customer needs.

00:13:57:00 - 00:14:00:19
Or you may have to adapt to your value
proposition and,

00:14:01:10 - 00:14:05:14
and your marketing strategies to suit
the preferences of the local market.

00:14:05:21 - 00:14:10:00
I think it's being prepared,
to make those changes and to be flexible.

00:14:10:00 - 00:14:13:00
You know, we worked with, one company

00:14:13:08 - 00:14:16:19
the requirements of the EU meant
that they had to change their labelling.

00:14:16:23 - 00:14:20:00
And actually,
from a perspective of production,

00:14:20:00 - 00:14:22:19
that was actually quite a big impact
to them,

00:14:22:19 - 00:14:24:12
to implement those new processes.

00:14:24:12 - 00:14:28:05
But how the new the labels
would be printed in the different batches

00:14:28:05 - 00:14:31:00
and how they would
then be stored and such like

00:14:32:01 - 00:14:35:01
and we've also worked with the company
where, you know, that key

00:14:35:01 - 00:14:39:13
USP or value proposition was around
free postage and packaging.

00:14:39:18 - 00:14:42:00
Well, now they were going,
you know, into Europe.

00:14:42:00 - 00:14:45:16
They weren't able to they wouldn't
have been able to profitably do that.

00:14:45:22 - 00:14:50:02
So that then then, you know, slight
change to what their value proposition is.

00:14:50:06 - 00:14:51:03
We have the decision.

00:14:51:03 - 00:14:53:20
Do we change what our value proposition
is just in one country,

00:14:53:20 - 00:14:56:08
or do we review
what our overall value proposition is?

00:14:56:08 - 00:15:00:15
So I think it's being prepared to flex
what you're offering.

00:15:00:15 - 00:15:04:23
It's flex
what your marketing and branding, does

00:15:04:23 - 00:15:08:09
so that it addresses,
you know, your target audience.

00:15:09:08 - 00:15:12:10
but also trying to do that
and being consistent with your overall

00:15:12:10 - 00:15:13:09
brand identity.

00:15:13:09 - 00:15:16:08
I don't think those bits
can be underestimated.

00:15:16:08 - 00:15:17:22
and it can be quite complex.

00:15:17:22 - 00:15:21:04
I think tackling that,
as soon as possible is an important part

00:15:21:04 - 00:15:24:04
of that overall sort of assessment
of whether there's that,

00:15:24:11 - 00:15:26:21
gap in the market and market in the gap.

00:15:26:21 - 00:15:27:02

00:15:27:02 - 00:15:29:12
So I want to come to my final question.

00:15:29:12 - 00:15:30:06
so it seems, you know,

00:15:30:06 - 00:15:33:14
international expansion
is firmly on the agenda of UK businesses.

00:15:34:00 - 00:15:35:22
so I guess before we go,

00:15:35:22 - 00:15:38:10
have you got a top tip
you can give our listeners,

00:15:38:10 - 00:15:41:10
about when they're looking
to grow their business internationally?

00:15:41:17 - 00:15:43:22
I'll come to Catherine first.

00:15:45:20 - 00:15:46:10
I think I would

00:15:46:10 - 00:15:49:15
say plan, but don't let tax drive it.

00:15:49:16 - 00:15:51:22
Don't forget tax
but don't let tax drive it.

00:15:51:22 - 00:15:54:05
So overlay tax
with your business strategy.

00:15:54:05 - 00:15:57:09
So all the things that Helen’s
been talking about are super important and the

00:15:57:09 - 00:15:58:14
the main driver.

00:15:58:14 - 00:16:01:03
But just don't forget it.
Tax on your cost.

00:16:01:03 - 00:16:04:10
and work with someone
who can help you navigate that

00:16:04:10 - 00:16:08:01
changing landscape so that you can build
that flexibility into your business.

00:16:08:16 - 00:16:13:12
For me, I would say really work
with a partner that understands

00:16:14:08 - 00:16:19:08
the accounting requirements
in each country.

00:16:19:08 - 00:16:22:08
They really do differ. As I said before,

00:16:22:16 - 00:16:26:14
you need a partner that can actually help
you set up your systems and processes

00:16:26:14 - 00:16:30:18
to make sure that you are reporting
in line with those country requirements.

00:16:31:02 - 00:16:34:14
And there's a lot of technology out there
that can automate a lot of this.

00:16:34:23 - 00:16:38:11
So it's really useful to understand,
you know, what is available

00:16:38:11 - 00:16:39:20
before you start to trade.

00:16:40:22 - 00:16:42:10
because as I said previously,

00:16:42:10 - 00:16:45:20
it can be very, very expensive
to to go backwards.

00:16:46:22 - 00:16:49:01
And Helen,

00:16:49:01 - 00:16:52:01
probably not too surprising for me.

00:16:52:08 - 00:16:54:17
but I'd say that planning piece.

00:16:54:17 - 00:16:57:17
So I think, you know, making sure
that you put the time in,

00:16:58:20 - 00:17:03:01
to understand whether this is
the right move, for the business,

00:17:03:21 - 00:17:07:22
and really understanding
that this is going to quite fundamentally

00:17:07:23 - 00:17:13:04
change your risk profiles and therefore
making sure that's integrated

00:17:13:04 - 00:17:17:16
into your overall risk management,
sort of ecosystem or processes.

00:17:18:18 - 00:17:20:13
and ultimately,
if you've done that planning,

00:17:20:13 - 00:17:23:07
if you've done that risk management.

00:17:23:07 - 00:17:24:18
it's also about being patient.

00:17:24:18 - 00:17:27:19
I'd say, you know, international expansion
isn't something

00:17:27:19 - 00:17:29:08
that you can just do tomorrow.

00:17:29:08 - 00:17:30:14
It does take time.

00:17:30:14 - 00:17:31:18
It takes effort.

00:17:31:18 - 00:17:34:13
It takes a lot of management time.

00:17:34:13 - 00:17:37:14
you know, they'll need to be on the ground
building if relationships,

00:17:37:15 - 00:17:41:22
establishing your presence,
lots of changes as we talked about.

00:17:41:22 - 00:17:43:09
Maybe that's flexing your project

00:17:43:09 - 00:17:46:17
to your services
or your branding or your marketing.

00:17:47:10 - 00:17:52:11
and it's really about setting yourself
realistic targets and realistic KPIs

00:17:52:18 - 00:17:56:12
so that you can measure that success of
at the international expansion as you move

00:17:56:12 - 00:17:57:23
through the journey.

00:17:57:23 - 00:18:00:07
but, you know,
getting that up front planning

00:18:00:07 - 00:18:03:08
is absolutely critical
to be paid to do any of those steps.

00:18:03:23 - 00:18:04:18
Thank you.

00:18:04:18 - 00:18:08:11
Well, that brings us to the end of this
episode of the C-speak podcast

00:18:08:11 - 00:18:09:20
by Forvis Mazars.

00:18:09:20 - 00:18:11:10
Thanks, to our guests

00:18:11:10 - 00:18:14:10
for joining us and sharing their insights
and thank you for listening.

00:18:14:19 - 00:18:17:19
We hope this podcast has helped
you navigate what lies ahead.

00:18:18:10 - 00:18:21:11
Do look out for more growing
global insights that we'll be sharing

00:18:21:11 - 00:18:23:02
over the next few months.

00:18:23:02 - 00:18:26:04
And if you enjoy our show, please
subscribe on Apple Podcasts

00:18:26:04 - 00:18:29:04
or Spotify and be sure to come back
for our discussion.

00:18:29:06 - 00:18:32:05
Until then, I'm
Gareth Jones from Forvis Mazars.

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