Trustee training
Our role as a corporate adviser allows us to offer impartial education to both trustees and sponsors, covering the objectives and roles of both. This insight brings a unique view to final salary scheme management and goes beyond simply teaching trustees, and encompasses the role of the employer which is vital in many decisions that are made in relation to final salary pension schemes.
The courses, which are practical and interactive, are designed for trustees, HR and Finance professionals who want to improve their knowledge of final salary scheme issues. In addition to our standard courses we can also prepare custom built sessions covering specific topics at your request. If you are interested in this then please get in touch.
Knowledgeable Trustee/Sponsor: | Knowledgeable Trustee/Sponsor: |
This full day session acts as a broad introduction to final salary pension scheme issues. We cover the following topics with speakers being drawn from Mazars as well as other industry organisations:
| Schemes that are closed to future accrual exhibit different characteristics to those which are open. No longer is an employee benefits vehicle, the issues that sponsors andtrustees face change when a scheme closes and it important that all parties understand how their role has changed. At this session, which is specially designed for trustee and sponsors of recently closed schemes, we will cover the following topics: