IFRS17 Insurance contracts

Insurers are expected to apply IFRS 17 for the recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure of insurance contracts, which will affect many aspects of their day to day operations.

Some insurers are already at the advanced stage of their IFRS 17 implementation projects while others are still trying to identify how to leverage their existing processes to comply with the new standard. However, no matter at what stage the insurers are today there is still a lot to do to hit the approaching IFRS 17 effective date deadline in 2023.

To assist insurers – both those who are at the advanced stage and those who need ad-hoc solutions – we have prepared an IFRS 17 ‘to-do checklist’ for 2021, which you can download at the bottom of the page.

Why us?

  • Our team consists of qualified actuaries and accountants with great exposure to IFRS 17 projects across life and general insurance sectors.
  • Our team members have strong technical skills allowing us to provide a wide spectrum of services: from developing IFRS 17 models to training board members.
  • We are aware of UK market specifics and various complex matters that insurers might come across during the implementation process. We provide practical solutions for such matters at any stage of the standard implementation.

Get in touch

If you would like to speak with a member of our IFRS 17 insurance team, please click the button below.

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