ISAE 3402 / SAS 70 assurance services

Banks cannot avoid the need to understand and manage the technology related risks, whether these are from external sources such as internet or from sources within the organisation. Many organisations find it difficult to objectively assess and manage these risks.


Our experience

We have extensive experience of providing such assurance services to a wide spectrum of financial services clients.

How we can help

Our Technology and Systems Assurance (TSA) team can provide you with an independent view of the technology risks that you face and the adequacy and effectiveness of the controls you have in place over the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your systems and data. We can also provide you with access to automated assessment tools and comparisons with industry best practice, allowing you to assess how effectively you are managing your IT systems.

We provide

  • ISAE 3402/SAS 70 assurance services in respect of the internal control environment of service organisations.

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