Accounting Technical Services

The world of accounting and financial reporting is continually changing and grows ever more complex. Our Accounting Technical Service experts have expertise in a wide variety of challenging accounting, financial reporting and narrative reporting matters and provide accounting advice on both small and large projects. Let us advice you on how the impact of these changes across a variety of situations.

Our experience

Our team has strong technical expertise in a wide variety of challenging accounting, financial reporting and narrative reporting matters and provides advice on both small and large projects.

How we can help

Our Accounting Technical Services team supports our banking experts  in delivering external and internal audit services as well as helping our banking clients interpret, implement and apply International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), UK GAAP (FRS 102 and FRS 101) and US GAAP, through flexible and tailored support.

We provide

  • direct consultancy advice on ad hoc financial reporting and accounting technical issues, including implementation advice on new accounting standards (including IFRS 9 Financial Instruments), consolidation, SPVs, financial instrument accounting, impairment and hedge accounting;
  • IFRS impact assessments and conversion projects, supporting first-time transition to IFRS, providing a full project management function, if required, and advising on the preparation of accounting policy manuals;
  • compliance reviews of IFRS financial statements, offering a view where an accounting standard is open to interpretation;
  • preparation support on IFRS financial statements and advice on IFRS disclosure requirements, including compliance with IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures;
  • accounting valuations for transactions, such as acquisitions (under IFRS 3 business Combinations) and share schemes (under IFRS 2 Share-based Payment Transactions); and
  • technical training courses on general and specific topics to raise awareness of the latest accounting developments and to provide greater understanding of the existing accounting requirements.

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