Sustainable Infrastructure label (SI label)

The FAST-infra SI label is the first global label designed to enable developers and operators to show the positive impact of an infrastructure asset, and attract investors seeking assets that positively contribute to sustainable outcomes.

COP 26

As global finance ministers gathered this week to discuss how public and private finance can lead the transition to a net-zero, climate-resilient world, the public-private initiative 'Finance to Accelerate the Sustainable Transition' (FAST-Infra) used the event to launch its global Sustainable Infrastructure Label (SI label).

The SI label will identify sustainable infrastructure assets and facilitate faster and more accurate due-diligence processes and structuring of investments, thereby reducing the transaction costs of sustainable investments.

Sustainable infrastructure

Sustainable infrastructure is of paramount importance to global development. As COP26 leaders debate how they will meet the $100billion pledge to help developing countries deal with climate change, the FAST-Infra initiatives contribute by accelerating funding into sustainable projects.

The SI label, endorsed by the Investor alliance, can apply to all financing types – equity, debt, and public finance – and covers all project stages.  Achieving the SI label certification requires the host government and developers to focus on sustainability and resilience from the outset, and once accredited, it signals to all stakeholders that the project conforms to four globally recognised sustainability dimensions: ESG plus adaptation and resilience.

How we can help

We have been involved in the S1 label project and will help our clients deliver sustainable projects that meet the requirements of the label.  We will add a positive contribution to this framework wherever possible, helping move funding into good projects that impact people's lives around the world.

What's next

FAST-Infra is also developing a technology-enabled platform and financial mechanisms to mobilise private investment at scale to finance future sustainable infrastructure projects.  The platform, which leverages blockchain and advanced analytics, will improve transparency, automate, and speed up many processes that contribute to the current inefficient and fragmented infrastructure market.

FAST-Infra is reviewing all areas of finance and risk in this market, and over the coming months, we will release further information on the new Global Revenue Guarantee (GREG) and Sustainable Infrastructure Warehousing Finance Facility (SIWFF)

Further information

FAST-Infra was created in 2020 by the Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) HSBC, International Finance Corporation, OECD, and the Global Infrastructure Facility. we are one of over 80 institutions that now represent the public and private stakeholders of the infrastructure ecosystem.

Get in touch

If you would like to find out more about the S1 label or to speak with a member of our team, please click the button below.

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