Kvetoslava Čavajdová CARL Partner, Tax
Kvetoslava Čavajdová has over 12 years of professional experience in a wide range of sectors. She is an expert in corporate income taxes & international taxation. Kvetoslava performing tax consultancy, due diligence, advising in corporate income taxes and VAT taxation. She has in-depth knowledge in various accounting standards and tax regulations. Kvetoslava speaks Slovak and English.
Want to know more?
Pages associated to Kvetoslava Čavajdová
- Super-deduction for research and development
- Background to the DAC6 Directive
- The challenges of implementing the Directive
- Our DAC6 Consulting portfolio
- Our DAC6 Platform
- Our DAC6 Network
- DAC6 – Proposal for postponing reporting deadlines
- Managing DAC6 successfully
- Doing M&A in CEE: Tax traps and structuring opportunities
- VAT & indirect tax
- M&A tax
- International tax
- Global mobility & employment tax
- Corporate structures
- Tax dispute resolution
- Global tax credits & incentives
- Transfer pricing
- Private client tax
- Tax compliance
- National & domestic tax
- Tax advisory
- Managing DAC6 successfully
- Tax_OLD
- CEE and Central Asia Tax & Payroll Newsletter 3/2024
- Webinar replay: How to prepare for tax inspection
- Tax alert: Approved consolidation measures
- CEE Tax & Payroll Newsletter 2/2024
- Tax alert: Amendment to the Value Added Tax Act
- Forvis Mazars Central and Eastern European tax guide 2024
- CEE Tax & Payroll Newsletter 1/2024
- Past CEE webinar: Pillar 2 GloBE - regional perspective and useful tools
- Tax alert: Lex consolidation and other amendments
- Tax alert: ViDA – VAT in the digital age
- CEE Tax & Payroll Newsletter 3/2023
- Carbon duty: A new obligation for importers
- Tax alert: Draft amendment to the Value Added Tax Act
- OECD Pillar 2 GloBE in CEE: Preparing for a different tax future
- Approved amendments to the Slovak Income Tax Act and the draft Act on top-up tax
- Webinar replay: Pillar 2 GloBE - latest developments and required actions
- CEE Tax & Payroll Newsletter 2/2023
- Mazars CEE tax guide 2023
- CEE Business Meeting in Germany: Accounting & Tax Update
- Webinar replay: Transfer pricing for the year 2023
- CEE Tax & Payroll Newsletter 1/2023
- Past CEE webinar: Transfer pricing updates in the CEE region
- Tax alert: New Guideline of the Ministry of Finance on the content of transfer pricing documentation
- Tax alert: The Amendment to the Slovak VAT Act effective from 1.1.2023 and 1.1.2024
- Tax alert: Amendment to the Accounting Act - Report on income tax information
- Changes in the Slovak Income Tax Act valid from 1.1.2023 and 1.1.2024
- CEE Tax & Payroll Newsletter 3/2022
- Zdaňovanie príspevku za ubytovanie / poskytnutie ubytovania odídencovi z pohľadu dane z príjmov
- Draft amendment to the Slovak Income Tax Act and the Tax Administration Act
- Tax Reliability Index
- Draft of the Amendment to the Slovak Value Added Tax Act as of 1.1.2023 and 1.1.2024
- CEE Tax & Payroll Newsletter 2/2022
- Mazars Central and Eastern European Tax Guide 2022
- Guaranteed electronic invoicing („e-invoice“) and sending invoice details to the Slovak Tax Authority
- Past webinar: Five key facts you should know about deduction from R&D costs
- CEE Tax & Payroll Newsletter 1/2022
- CEE Tax & Payroll Newsletter 2/2021
- CEE Tax & Payroll Newsletter 1/2021
- CEE Tax & Payroll Newsletter
- Webinar replay: What will 2022 bring in the area of income tax?
- Other fringe benefits
- Social fund benefits
- Recreation vouchers
- Transport of employees to work
- Accommodation for employees
- Employees’ training
- Mobile phone, notebook and other assets used for private purposes
- Business car for private purposes
- Meal contribution
- Employee fringe benefits in 2022 from the taxation perspective
- Catering of employees and self-employed persons from the tax perspective as from 1 January 2022
- Unlocking trust: Why global compliance is on the business agenda
- Notification of bank accounts of VAT payers and the extension of the institution of the joint liability for tax
- Mazars Central and Eastern European Tax Guide 2021
- R&D tax credit webinar replay
- Povinnosť viesť DPH záznamy, vystavenie faktúr
- Postup registrácie, zdaňovacie obdobie, daňové priznanie a platenie dane
- Dobrovoľná osobitná úprava (One Stop Shop „OSS“)
- Miesto dodania pri predaji tovaru na diaľku od 1.7.2021 a dobrovoľná osobnitná úprava (One Stop Shop "OSS")
- Zmeny pravidiel pri predaji tovaru na diaľku z pohľadu DPH od 1.7.2021 („zásielkový predaj“) v rámci EÚ
- Webinar replay: R&D tax credit
- Amendment to the Vehicle tax act as of 1 December 2020
- Finančný príspevok na stravovanie z daňového hľadiska
- OECD guidance about the transfer pricing implications of the Covid-19 pandemic
- "Podnikateľské kilečko" - zjednodušenie podnikania
- DAC6 - New obligation to report cross-border arrangements to the tax administrator
- Amendment to the Vehicle tax act as of 1 December 2020
- End of the emergency situation in the financial area as of 30 September 2020
- Extension of the deadline for tax return submission until 30.6.2020
- VAT Act amendment 2020
- Amendment to the Income Tax Act 2020
- The new obligation of taxpayers in the area of insurance tax in Slovakia
- Changes in the VAT act 2019
- Central and Eastern European Tax Guide 2019
- Central and Eastern European Tax Guide 2020
- 26.2. Bratislava: VAT Act amendment 2020 breakfast
- 13.2. Nitra: VAT Act amendment 2020 breakfast
- 28.1. webinar: Corporate income tax 2021
- 5.2. webinar: VAT updates 2021
- 9.2. webinar: Transfer pricing and Covid-19 in 2021
- Replay: New rules for the sale of goods at a distance from the VAT point of view as of 1.7.2021 ("mail order sales")
- Past webinar: State aid during a pandemic - legislative and tax implications
- End of the emergency situation in the financial area as of 30 September 2020
- Zmeny v oblasti preplatku na preddavkoch na dani z príjmov a lehotách na poukázanie podielu zaplatenej dane
- Odpočet daňovej straty - praktické príklady
- Webinar: Current questions related to COVID-19 & transfer pricing
- Možnosť platenia preddavkov na daň z príjmov
- Measures taken in the area of corporate income tax
- Q&A for the tax payers in connection with COVID-19
- COVID-19 crisis taskforce team
- Tax implications
- Transfer prices in times of COVID-19
- Q&A related to VAT
- Act on certain exceptional measures in the financial area in relation to COVID-19
- COVID-19 & your business_old
Who we are
- 26.3. webinar: State aid during a pandemic: legislative and tax implications
- Finančný príspevok na stravovanie z daňového hľadiska
- Replay: New rules for the sale of goods at a distance from the VAT point of view as of 1.7.2021 ("mail order sales")
- Past webinar: Transfer pricing and COVID-19 in 2021
- Past webinar: VAT updates 2021
- Past webinar: Corporate income tax 2021
- "Podnikateľské kilečko" - zjednodušenie podnikania
- Amendment to the Vehicle tax act as of 1 December 2020
- Amendment to the Vehicle tax act as of 1 December 2020
- End of the emergency situation in the financial area as of 30 September 2020
- Central and Eastern European Tax Guide 2020
- Extension of the deadline for tax return submission until 30.6.2020
- 13.2. Nitra: VAT Act amendment 2020 breakfast
- VAT Act amendment 2020
- Amendment to the Income Tax Act 2020
- What is the lastest amendment to income tax act about?
- The new obligation of taxpayers in the area of insurance tax in Slovakia
- Central and Eastern European Tax Guide 2019
- Changes in the VAT act 2019
- 12.7. Business breakfast Tax audits (VAT, TP)
- Tax amendments becoming effective 1.1.2018