Webinar replay: What will 2022 bring in the area of income tax?

As of January 2022 we are expecting multiple legislative changes within the income tax. We prepared a webinar to summarize all the neccessary information and answer your questions. Feel free to scroll down, fill in a short form and watch the replay with our experts.

At the webinar we addressed e.g. the various types of employee fringe benefits from tax perspective, food allowance, but also deduction for investments with added value.

Watch the replay

Webinar agenda

  • Newly introduced tax deductible expenses for investments
  • Change in tax deductible expenses for research and development
  • Change in meal contribution for employees
  • Employee fringe benefits – the exemption of up to EUR 500
  • Q&A


  • Andrea Cibulová, Tax Manager
  • Monika Barlíková, Tax Supervisor

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