Mazars as a proud partner of CEE Sustainable Finance Summit again in 2023

The conference represents a unique opportunity for the region's stakeholders to gain a better insight into sustainable finance topics and solutions, and to get support for the challenges they face. We at Mazars are happy to be part of this initiative.

Sustainability in financial sector is crucial for the European Union that wants to fulfil its goal to become carbon neutral in 2050. CEE Sustainable Finance Summit in Prague is an annual conference that brings more awareness in this topic. It aims to connect, challenge and drive positive change. Those are the values that Mazars has been built upon.

This year's agenda & event recordings

Our experts from four CEE countries (Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Germany) share their experience and knowledge about sustainability in the financial sector across multiple panel discussions, moderated key-notes and presentations during the five days of the event. Each day brings a different perspective of the sustainable financing, namely:

  • 15 May: Sustainability in Finance
  • 16 May: Sustainability in Banking
  • 17 May: Sustainability in Energy
  • 18 May: Sustainability in Business
  • 19 May: Sustainability in Innovation & Investing

“We at Mazars are glad we can join discussion with financial sector professionals, policy makers, and key stakeholders from business, politics, and civil society. Our experts will talk about new trends that can help companies become more competitive and combat challenges they face. We appreciate this opportunity since the event will outline best practices towards sustainable finance and business. Sustainability in not only a means to combat climate change, it has become a new “must” for obtaining finance and investments,” explains Mickaël Compagnon, Managing Partner at Mazars in Slovakia.

Replay the recordings of panels featuring Mazars' professionals

The summit also offers access to experts and professionals working on the EU Green Deal, Fit for 55 Package, Sustainable Finance Agenda, like Sean Kidney, a co-creator of European Taxonomy that defines and classifies “green” initiatives and business activities. Recently, we at Mazars held a regional webinar with Mr. Kidney on the EU's Taxonomy, providing the creator's point of view along with the practical experience of our profesionals in sustainability.

CEE Sustainable Finance Summit is a hybrid event organized by The International Sustainable Finance Centre (ISFC) - an independent and apolitical not-for-profit think tank specializing in sustainable finance. All the recordings of the live streams from the May 2023 event are available now at the ISFC's website and YouTube channel.

This year's agenda & event recordings

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