Other fringe benefits

Employers may provide various other types of fringe benefits.

In general, for fringe benefits the tax assessment of which is not regulated by the Income Tax Act‘s special provision, as from 1 January 2022 it will be possible to apply an exemption from taxation and related social and health insurance contributions on the employee's side in the maximum amount of €  500, if the provision of the benefit will not be a tax deductible expense of the employer.

The provision of a fringe benefit exceeding the amount of € 500 will represent the employee's taxable income. If the provision of benefit will be agreed in an employment, collective or other similar agreement or internal procedure, it will be considered as tax deductible expense for the company.

Employers may also provide other types of benefits than those described above for which the tax treatment from the employee's or the employer's perspective may not be unambiguous. In case of your interest, we will be happy to provide you with our assistance in their deeper analysis.

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