Resilience academy: increasing the psychological resilience and employee & manager engagement in times of crisis

Resilience is a scientific concept that looks at a person holistically, i.e. it examines us as a whole. It does not separate our functioning with regard to our different roles, work, or private life. It deals with the setting of our system as a whole, the main goal of which is to optimize performance, both in work and personal life.

Thanks to conscious work on our personal resilience, we can significantly improve our ability to:

  • Manage stressful situations;
  • Act in accordance with our personal, moral values;
  • Effectively build and situationally “tune” your energy management in both the rest and recovery phases, in the four key pillars of resilience (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual/value);
  • To optimize your performance at work and at home, while not losing our focus on what we consider the most important in life;
  • Achieve the set goals.

Online module 1: Resilience – how to start working on it

Resilience. What is it? Presentation of the concept of resilience and its potential for optimizing performance in work and personal life. Resilience competencies (self-awareness, self-regulation, realistic optimism, critical thinking, energy management, relationships, GRIT = your passion x perseverance). Practical techniques of “real-time resilience” (resilience here and now).

Energy management. Four pillars of resilience (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) as a basis for effective energy management and building good relationships not only in difficult times.

Building personal resilience. Diagnostics of your RQ (resilience quotient). Before the webinar, all participants will be sent a link with an RQ test in an electronic version. In the webinar, we will provide feedback on the level of key competences of the resilienice. The subject of the webinar will also be the training of techniques for building micro-resilient habits for the development of key resilience competencies.

Module duration: 4 hours

Online module 2: Self-leadership. Ethics. Resilience.

  • Energy management – follow-up.
  • Self-leadership & self-awareness. Personal values. Vision. Goals. Potential.
  • Life timeline. Learning from mistakes. Growth mindset.
  • Creating a personal resilience development plan.

Module duration: 4 hours

Online module 3: Self-regulation. Critical thinking & realistic optimism.

  • Self-regulation: Test of triggers – training of techniques for better management of stress and own impulsivity. Case studies on training and regulating your emotionality.
  • Critical thinking – why it is important to know the basics of causal analysis. How to learn to think critically? Practical advice, exercises, case studies.
  • Realistic optimism, mental flexibility and critical thinking – working with the thought patterns and traps of our minds. Effective problem solving using causal analysis. Mental games.

Module duration: 4 hours

Online module 4: Energy management & persistence. Creating good relationships.

  • Resilience. Energy management. Optimal performance. Relationships.
  • Optimal performance and endurance – what is GRIT? Why is it important? How to work on the sustainability of optimal performance?
  • Our ability to create and foster good relationships is among the most important. In this module, we will introduce you to a tool through which you can better grasp your own essence of your personality, recognize your strengths and weaknesses, as well as understand the essence of personality types through the most famous DISC personality typology.
  • persolog® - Personality Factor Model / The Behavior Profile is a methodology based on personality types (DISC).

Module duration: 4 hours

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