Why Forvis Mazars?

The employees do not join Forvis Mazars by chance, they choose it. We are a global school of excellence where due to challenges you will develop and grow continuously.

We are an international company which will provide you with space for fulfilment, professional and personal development. You will experience leadership, friendly team, and innovative approach. You will come across manifoldness and complexity of projects at our prestigious clients from various sectors.

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It’s never just about the work

At Forvis Mazars, you will find not only colleagues but also friends for the whole life. Commitment is not everything – we are sure work should also be fun. Our efficiency and satisfaction are often influenced by the environment thus we establish easy relationships. We are striving for supporting your development through continuous feedback and mentoring by experienced colleagues. You will experience our friendly approach right at the first contact with HR and with the management. Forvis Mazars consists of people of various age categories while everybody brings his/her uniqueness. We are all on first name terms, we are in contact also outside working hours and we help one another. Moreover, you may talk directly and almost any time with our Managing Partner.

Free thinking is a profession

Become a part of new settings and innovations at Forvis Mazars. We form new methods of work due to cooperation, discussions, surveys, or brainstorming events. Are you interested in sustainability, eco-friendly approach, CSR and voluntary activities? You can get involved in such projects and improve our current processes. Our internal team Forvis Mazars 2.0 will help you with implementation of your ideas. They are responsible for projects covering automation, they contribute to more ecological solutions, acceleration of digital transformation, making processes more efficient as well as to your personal development. They will help you to fully use potential of various life-facilitating tools.

Don’t wait. Act.

We at Forvis Mazars we are ambitious and open to challenges. We are trying to keep pace with trends and to react to the requirements of new generation and reality of the tomorrow. We are aware that errors are a part of the development, and they accompany us on the way to success. Grab the opportunity to change the fundamental procedures in practise, leave behind the defined frameworks and “copy-paste” solutions, and think together with us. Be a creator of change and you will help not only to yourself but also to your colleagues or a wider company.

You’ll never have a second chance to start your career

We are an ideal place for your beginnings and further career progress. At Forvis Mazars you develop constantly due to complexity and manifoldness character of projects and clients. These include large, medium as well as small enterprises or startups. Due to their size and specific character you will set up various processes with them. You will help them in the initial phase of their business. You will see the project; you will learn about its individual parts and important connections. Your skilfulness and ability to take over the projects responsibly will guarantee your fast career progress. Achievement of your highest working goals and ideas will be assisted by our experienced colleagues, partnership with the LinkedIn learning and U-Learn platforms, language education, international environment and seminars, technical support, soft skills trainings and much more.

It is said a picture paints a thousand words. Do you want to experience an adventure at Forvis Mazars in person?

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