Team resilience

The main goal of the training is to increase the psychological resilience and engagement of teams, not only in times of crisis. In the two modules of this development program, we will focus on introducing and developing resilience as a modern scientific concept in business, which makes up for 40% of our success.

By continuous rise of the level of individuals in key resilience competencies, we can sustainably optimise their performance and satisfaction.

Module 1: Individual & team resilience – how to start working on it

Resilience – what is it? Why is it important? Introducing the concept of resilience and its potential for optimising the performance of individuals and teams. RQ diagnostics (resilience quotient) – before the webinar, team members will receive a link with an RQ test in an electronic version. In the training, we will provide feedback on the level of key competences of the resilience.

The subject of the session will also be the training of techniques for building micro-resilient habits for the development of key resilience competencies (self-awareness, self-regulation, realistic optimism, critical thinking, energy management, relationships, GRIT = your passion x perseverance). Practical techniques of “real-time resilience” (resilience here and now).
Module duration: 4 hours

Module 2: Building of team resilience

Specific attention will be paid to team values, optimisation of team performance, building team congruence, building good relationships with the help of persolog® – Personality Factor Model.
Module duration: 4 hours

Target group: different levels of employees
Training methods: training, coaching, mentoring, case studies, energy management, creating a plan for our team’s philosophy.

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