Recreation vouchers

What are the taxation conditions for employers who provide recreation vouchers?

An employer who employs more than 49 employees is obliged to provide to an employee whose employment lasts continuously for at least 24 months at his/her request a recreation allowance of 55% of eligible expenses, but not more than € 275 per calendar year.

For these purposes, employee within the meaning of the Labour Code is relevant. It means that, for example, a managing director without an employment contract is not considered an employee. In the case of an employee with a part-time employment relationship, the amount of the allowance is proportional to partial working time.

The recreation allowance may also be provided under the same conditions and to the same extent by the employer who employs less than 50 employees. Fulfilling of the conditions for the provision of recreation allowance is assessed on the day of the beginning of recreation.

On the employee's side, the recreation allowance of a maximum € 275 per calendar year is tax exempt and as well not subject to social and health insurance contributions. The recreation allowances are tax deductible expense for the company.

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