COVID-19 & your business_old

The Covid-19 pandemic is causing uncertainty and disruption around the world. Mazars Slovakia and Group priorities are to protect people and ensure business continuity and service for our clients, working as one partnership, supporting each other in Slovakia, the CEE region and across the globe.
Since the beginning of the crisis, we have been closely monitoring the situation and taking action to mitigate the effects of the pandemic. We remain by our clients’ sides, helping them navigate these unprecedented times.

Tax implications

People in Your Business 

Government support & advice

Contractual relations

Coronavirus vs the financial statements for 2019

Project Management

Market & economic perspectives


Austria   Croatia   Czech republic  Hungary  Poland  Romania  Russia  Slovenia  Ukraine

Our COVID-19 crisis taskforce team 

We established a special group of Mazars professionals and partner law firm Bartošík Šváby who work together as one team sharing information among one another in order to help you and deliver the latest relevant information during this fast changing times. Below you will find a few examples of questions you might ask and contact list of people who can guide you.  

Which technology functions should be adapted first?

Who can guide you?

You may ask...

Miloš Kunský

  1. How is the uncertainty associated with the spread of coronavirus affecting the annual financial statements prepared for 2019?

Kvetoslava Čavajdová

  1. What are our corporate income tax obligations?
  2. Until when can we delay the tax payment?
  3. Are there measures to pay tax in installments to ensure the cash flow?

Jana Repčeková

  1. What are the employee’s rights in case of workplace closure or inability to work remotely due to COVID-19?

Martin Váross

  1. Will my IT systems cope?
  2. Which technology functions should be adapted first?
  3. Should I perform scenario analysis on a disruption to my supply chain?

Boris Šváby

Lucia Krištoffová

(partner law firm Bartošík Šváby)

  1. What solutions to protect employers and employees does the government propose?
  2. What should I review within my contract once I may face contractual obligation disruptions?
  3. Can I provide my employees with information on confirmed COVID-19 infection case(s) in my firm?
  4. To what extent am I responsible as an employer for the protection of personal data in a situation where my employees work from home?
  5. What personal data and under what conditions can I collect in relation to the COVID-19 infection (particular examples provided by the clients)?

Contact us


COVID-19: business defence approach

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