Super-deduction for research and development

Businesses investing in inhouse innovations, research and development of new solutions can deduct up to 200% of their expenditure from their tax base.

Super-deduction is intended as an incentive for businesses in the area of private research and development. It is an indirect form of state support for taxpayers and one of its simplest forms. Unlike funds from the public budget or EU funds, this aid is not subject to a complex approval process or the need to obtain an approval of the eligibility to conduct research and development. A company wishing to use super-deduction relief must formally create a research and development (R&D) project, identify its objectives, correctly identify eligible costs and submit a tax return. Since 1 January 2022, businesses can deduct up to 100% of eligible costs spent on R&D in the tax period for which the tax return is being submitted.

Our approach

We can provide our clients with comprehensive support in the area of R&D super-deduction, which does not end with tax consulting. We can also assist them in the preparation of specific statutory technical documentation.

Our aim is to take the burden off your employees’ shoulders and take care of the complicated agenda associated with super-deduction for them.

In practice, this means that we will handle all related issues. We will select R&D projects suitable for super-deduction, identify eligible costs for R&D, calculate the super-deduction amount and set up processes and documentation to comply with any potential tax audit.

In the preparation of necessary super-deduction documentation, we take full responsibility for its correctness.

Our services

  • Comprehensive end-to-end processing of agenda related to R&D super-deduction
  • Revision of R&D deduction
  • Readiness check for potential tax audit
  • Full support in the event of a tax audit
  • Consulting in the area of R&D super-deduction

Our tools and solutions

When preparing documentation and supporting clients, we rely on:

  • our technical expertise, minimizing the burden on client’s employees
  • long-standing experience with clients operating on global and domestic markets
  • tested methodology updated based on legislative changes

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