Resilience & energy management

Our only certainty over the past years is change. Many times you have to make decisions with a lack of information and under pressure.

For this very reason, it is extremely important to work on increasing your ability to handle stressful situations, critical thinking, regulation of your emotionality, and at the same time supporting engagement.

In this training, you will learn how to develop your ability to handle stressful situations, so that you can distinguish what is important and priority for you in life. You can thus persevere, be congruent and consistent, so that you can follow things through to a successful end in a way which makes sense to you.

The added value of this training is the diagnosis of your RQ (resilience quotient), the creation of a plan for the development of personal resilience and a plan for your energy management.

Course overview

The main goal is to introduce the concept of resilience and its potential for managerial work, to carry out RQ diagnostics, to provide feedback on the real level of resilience competencies, and to teach you how to use resilience techniques that contribute to optimising performance in managerial positions even in stressful situations.

After completing the training, you will gain a new perspective on the possibilities of solving non-standard, problematic, burdensome and stressful situations. You will acquire skills and competences to improve performance in all aspects of your life and better ability to adapt to changes.

Main topics of the training

Resilience & energy management: the potential of resilience for optimizing our performance in work and personal life. Resilience competencies (self-awareness, self-regulation, realistic optimism, critical thinking, energy management, relationships, GRIT = your passion x perseverance). Practical techniques of “real-time resilience” (resilience here and now). Energy management – creation of a personal energy management plan.

Diagnostics of your RQ (resilience quotient) – before the training all participants will receive a link with an RQ test in an electronic version. At the training, we will provide feedback on the level of key competencies of the resilience. The subject of the training will also be the training of techniques for building micro-resilient habits for the development of key resilience competencies.

Competency developed: Personal competencies - to perform sustainably at your best.

Target group: managers
Module duration: 4 hours online

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