Mazars' Košice office relocates to accommodate growth

Mazars is excited to announce the relocation of our Košice branch to a new address, the Cassovar complex at Žriedlová 12.

The move was necessitated by our growing business in the eastern Slovakia, which required more space to serve our clients better. Our new location will enable our clients and approximately 40 colleagues to enjoy a more comfortable and accessible experience.

The eastern region of our country is increasingly attracting investors, especially with the entry of a new car company. This development promises not only production but also research and, with electric cars, a more sustainable business. At Mazars, we also prioritize sustainability, and our new branch is now more accessible by public transport from every direction.

We are committed to developing all our traditional and new services, including responsible business and sustainability, leadership, and resilience in Košice. According to Mickaël Compagnon, Managing Partner of Mazars in Slovakia, the eastern region of Slovakia boasts highly educated and qualified workers. "Our Košice story began in 2007, with the realization that to be a full-fledged business partner to our clients in the East, we needed to have a presence in its metropolis. We took advantage of the fact that some of our employees, who studied in Bratislava, were planning to return to the East. We did not want to lose them, so we opened a branch in Košice where they could continue to work, grow and be close to our clients."

During the pandemic, some of our employees took advantage of this flexible working arrangement. Even after Covid-19, we plan to maintain this work model as it has proven successful. We extend our gratitude to all our employees in the Košice office, especially those who have been providing professional services to our clients in this city and its surroundings already for 16 years of operating in Košice. We also appreciate their helping hand, which they provided to our Ukrainian colleagues during the war as the first contact on the safe side of the border on their way to the West.

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