Women leadership & resilience academy

You ask yourself questions: What is “women leadership”? Is it different from the male one? How? Is it even important? What makes female leadership special? Can we learn leadership or must it be an inborn talent?

If yes, then the answer to your questions is to participate in this development program, which consists of four modules:

  • Module 1: “Women leadership” and emotional intelligence.
  • Module 2: “Self-leadership”, ethics and resilience.
  • Module 3: Creating a desirable company culture supporting the development of employees and the company (OCAI methodology).
  • Module 4: “Stakeholder management” and building good relations through methodology persolog® Personality Factor Model.

Target group: company management
Training methods: video training, coaching, mentoring, RQ diagnostics, role-playing games, training, case studies, creation of a personal development plan in the field of “women leadership & resilience”, persolog® diagnostics.

Module 1: Women leadership & emotional inteligence

Goal of the training: The aim of this module is to teach you what leadership styles exist, what leadership archetypes we carry within ourselves, which styles suit you best as women. We will go through the timeline from history to the present regarding the position of women in society. You will find out if you also possess the “powers of a leader” and if you know how to work with them. Together we will reveal your style as well as your “leader traps”.

The training is mainly aimed at getting to know the qualities and advantages of women leadership, its key attributes, learning and finding one’s own style of leading people, which will contribute to the effective building of high-quality and solid relationships in the workplace.

  • Key competences: self-knowledge/self-awareness, self-regulation, communication, cooperation, causal analysis and critical thinking, building good relationships, responsibility.
  • Key skills: effective definition and achievement of goals, growth mindset, ability to motivate and inspire, objective assessment, empathy, trust, emotional intelligence.

Main topics of the training: 

  • Women leadership. Historical position of women in society. What is leadership and how important is it? A cross-section of leadership theories from the past to the present.
  • The personality of the leader. Mindset. Prejudice against women leadership (“glass ceiling syndrome”, “sticky floors”, double standard...). Comparison of the male and female principle. The difference between a manager and a leader.
  • Emotional intelligence in relation to leadership.
  • Leader and followers. Types of leadership - practical examples.
  • Leader archetypes. Traps of a leader.

Module 2: Self-leadership, ethics and resilience

Goal of the training: The main goal of this module is to teach you to use specific methods and techniques that directly affect the development of your self-leadership and personal resilience – not only in the work area, but also in the private area, which will result in a more effective use of your abilities and your energy, your time, creating relationships based on trust, developing your critical thinking, creativity and congruence. After completing the training, you will gain a new perspective on the possibilities of your overall setup, solving non-standard, problematic, burdensome and stressful situations. We will teach you how to develop your strengths, how to work with specific communication techniques, how to manage stress, prevent burnout and how to use critical thinking techniques based on the latest knowledge of positive psychology.

The training is mainly focused on the training of key competencies and key skills leading to higher resilience, mental toughness, performance, satisfaction and engagement.

  • Key competencies: self-awareness, self-regulation, critical thinking, energy-management, creating good relationships, realistic optimism and persistence.
  • Key skills: effective definition and achievement of goals, growth mindset, thinking patterns (thought – consequence), effective management of our energy, elimination of unproductive thinking, prejudices and ineffective patterns of our behavior (diagnosis, awareness, change), effective communication skills, critical thinking, mental games, effective praise, appreciation and feedback, empathic communication.

Main topics of the training:

  • Self-leadership, ethics and resilience. Mental resilience. Mental and emotional agility. Engagement.
  • Key competences for the development of our self-leadership, ethical congruence and resilience (Self-awareness. Self-regulation. Critical thinking. Realistic optimism. Energy management. Creating good relationships. Perseverance.).
  • Diagnostics of RQ (resilience quotient), providing feedback.
  • Training of specific techniques and methods of resilience, e.g. how to manage stress more effectively, how to better manage your emotionality, how to develop critical thinking in managers, etc.
  • Creating a personal resilience development plan.

Module 3: Creating a desirable corporate culture supporting the development of employees’ potential (OCAI Methodology), women leadership and corporate culture

Goal of the training: Justify why it is important for leaders to pay focused attention to shaping a desirable corporate culture. “A good corporate culture eats corporate strategy for dinner!” (Peter Drucker)

The meaning and importance of good leadership and followership for the conscious creation of a desirable corporate culture.

Presentation and implementation of a diagnostic tool for measuring the current and desirable state of corporate culture “OCAI” (Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument), which will allow identifying real-life company values.

To present the entire process of forming a company culture – from the introductory workshop, through diagnosis of the company culture, data analysis, identification and subsequent clarification of company values, creation of a vision and mission, to the creation of a concrete strategy. The setting of an effective educational plan also plays an important role, in the heart which should be values ​​training for all new hires and existing employees.

To present specific case studies from the creation of a desirable corporate culture from domestic and foreign practice.

Main topics of the training:

  • Company culture – what it is and why it is important to pay targeted attention to its formation. Material and non-material artifacts of corporate culture.
  • Leadership and Followership. Presentation of the diagnostic tool for measuring the current and desired state of corporate culture “OCAI” (Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument). Discussion.
  • Presentation of the entire process of forming corporate culture – from the initial management workshop, through diagnostics of corporate culture, data analysis, analysis of corporate documents, identification and subsequent clarification of corporate values, vision and mission, to the creation of a concrete strategy, in which the setting of an effective educational plan, at the heart of which should be values ​​training for all new and existing employees.
  • Case studies of the formation of a desirable corporate culture from domestic and foreign practice. Discussion.

Module 4: Stakeholder management a building good relationships through the persolog® Personality Factor Model methodology.

Main topics of the training: 

Stakeholder management, communication and personality typology

  • Stakeholder management
  • Presentation of the persolog® methodology
  • Understanding of stakeholder management strategy for effective company communication with all stakeholders (interest groups). Possible communication challenges – how to anticipate them and how to work with them.


  • Benefits of using persolog® tools for increasing employee performance, improving team functioning, streamlining communication, people management, sales, etc.
  • What type of communication is suitable for individual profiles. Basic personality types of people:
    • Dominant type
    • Interactive type
    • Stable type
    • Constructive type

persolog® behaviour profile

  • Understanding one’s own behavior and the behavior of others as a basic prerequisite for effective managerial communication. The Persolog® behavior profile will show you the way to better understand yourself and others. Identifying my own profile - who I am, how I easily achieve my goals and tasks.
  • Everyone will receive feedback on their persolog® behavior profile, which they will develop via the sent link even before the training.
  • Analysis of the results – what are the strengths and weaknesses and how to work with them in order to communicate effectively.
  • Recommendations and discussion on how to develop your own communication potential.

persolog® communication training

  • Recommendations and discussion on how to react and act more effectively in complex communication situations with different stakeholders. Solution of case studies.

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