Transfer Pricing Restructuring

We validate and value Mergers and Acquisitions and Corporate operations, for Transfer Pricing purposes

For such purpose, we assist our clients, from the restructuring operation’s preparatory stage to its completion, in order to:

  • Ensuring and justifying the rationality of the restructuring (“TP business purpose test”)
  • Identifying the transfer of tangible and intangible assets and their valuation
  • Establishing whether or not financial compensation is required for any of the affected entities and its quantification.
  • Ensuring the correct alignment of functions-risks-profitability-returns in the post-restructuring situation.
  • Building all the documentary compliance for the justification and validation of the restructuring for Transfer Pricing and International Taxation purposes.

Moreover, we carry out the TP Due Diligence of entities involved in M&A operations.

We act in coordination with the company’s management and financial officers, consultants, auditors and lawyers.
