Global Documentation Policy

Not all countries establish documentation obligations and, in those that do, the regulation is the same. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a documentation policy according to the needs of each group and country involved, following the standards set by the OECD and/or the EU.

We assist Spanish multinational companies and groups in setting up an efficient documentation policy, both at group level and for entities that make up the group. Our approach includes the following three milestones:

  • Prepare documentation on related-party transactions at group level (CbC Report and Master File) and for each individual company, or Local File, with the support of our international Mazars network (with presence in the five continents and in more than 79 countries around the world).
  • Advise and train the company’s staff for the subsequent management of the documentation and its updating in subsequent years.
  • Assist and complement the work carried out by the company itself, by carrying out checklists, economic analyses and benchmarking studies to complete and update the documentation in subsequent years.
