Recognized Experience

Our team is made up of specialists with more than 15 years’ experience and with precise knowledge of the problems in many different sectors:
Financial Services
Financial ServicesEnergy
  • Work that include regular reviews related to the start-up of Compliance and anti-corruption programs  including subsidiaries located abroad and paying special attention in specific countries and/or functions. 
  • Recurrent internal control review work specifically related to the risk of corruption within the framework of the account commissioner mandates.
  • Support in the conception and implementation of anti-corruption programs.
  • Certification of the anti-corruption mechanism of the ENGIE group (previously GDF-Suez).
Oil and Gas
Aeronautics & DefenseOil & Gas
  • Recurrent internal review control work, specifically related to the risk of corruption.
  • Support in the implementation of anti-corruption programs.
  • Certification of the anti-corruption mechanism of the THALES group.
  • Specific assessment work to diagnose and improve some of the procedures for corruption- prevention.
  • Certification of the anti-corruption program of the CGG group.

We have a high presence in professional institutions and organizations: Forvis Mazars is a member of the Commission on Corporate Responsibility and Anti-corruption of the ICC (International Chamber of Commerce).