Technical Advisory and Implementation Services

For those areas where you need expert support and an injection into your compliance programme.

•Privacy Governance and Programme Management - Supporting you in identifying the right governance model and implementing effective changes with minimal disruptions.

•Implementation support - A team of experts to enhance and rapidly implement identified gaps within your business environment allowing you to focus on business as usual.

•Technical reviews of software and toolkits - Our experts can provide advice and guidance on areas relating to the processing of facial recognition systems, ANPR's and CCTV usage as well as processing on mobile devices.

•Review and build of documentation policies and procedures - An extensive review and validation of your documentation, policies, procedures, and processes, helping you draft changes and ensuring your teams understand the theory and application.

•Data mapping and records management - An organisation-wide review of the data that enters, travels through, and exits your business, supporting you with compliance with Article 30 of the GDPR and wider data management requirements.

•Training, awareness campaigns, and workshops - Tailored workshops and training solutions to your teams and exec board, tackling compliance issues, operational challenges, and embedding awareness campaigns with privacy laws.

•Due diligence, merger and acquisitions review - A privacy assessment on the entities that form part of the merger or acquisition. Our assessment will give you insight into the current status of the businesses' compliance with privacy laws.

•Third party and vendor audits - A detailed audit on your processors and sub-processors assessing their status of compliance, data protection practices, and the safeguards deployed.

•Simulation, testing, and tabletop exercises - Innovative testing of your processes to ensure they are fit for purpose to deal with key compliance requirements and are time efficient.

•Investigations, incident, and breach management - A team of experts at hand to support you in the event of an incident or breach. Our experts can develop internal processes, manage the breach, liaise with the regulator and data subjects, and advise on how best to mitigate risks.

•Individual rights management - Our experts can help embed a practical and efficient system that will help you manage and monitor individual requests and lessen the burden on internal resources.

•Ad-hoc technical support - The first point of contact for data protection queries, advice, and guidance. Our experts are at hand to support you through the challenges.

•Contract mechanisms and cross-border transfers - Advice and guidance on your processing across jurisdictions and the use of appropriate transfer mechanisms.

DPIAs - Support with undertaking detailed DPIAs, highlighting potential risks, and advising on methods to mitigate these.


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