GDPR certification: We can now support your organisation following the first ever approved certification scheme

For use across the European Economic Area (EEA), organisations achieving the EuroPrivacy Certification will have the opportunity to leverage this data protection investment to achieve competitive advantage, as well as demonstrate compliance to regulatory bodies.

EuroPrivacy is the first, and only, officially recognised certification scheme under Article 42 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that has been approved by the European Data Protection Board (EDPB).

We are proud to be an official partner of this European certification scheme.

  • Identifying and reducing financial, business, and legal risks by ensuring regulatory compliance
  • Enable compliant cross-border transfers under Art. 46(2)(f), ensuring such transfers are lawful
  • Mitigating the risks of potential GDPR sanctions and enforcement
  • Comprehensive assurance for many types of data processing activities
  • Strengthening the trust between you and your clients
  • Being transparent and showing accountability to your customers
  • Reinforcing and protecting your reputation and position in the market
  • Recognised by all the Supervisory Authorities across the EU

To start your journey with your expert partners, contact our dedicated global Privacy and Data Protection Services team:

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Under the GDPR, data controllers and processors can demonstrate compliance with certain parts of the GDPR using certification mechanisms.

Developed collectively with an International Board of Experts in data protection, with the support of partners from around the world; the EuroPrivacy Certification enables organisations to demonstrate GDPR compliance for multiple data processing activities, including products, processes, services, and data protection management systems and is applicable to all industries.

How can we help your organisation?

We can support you to prepare for and navigate through the complex certification process.

As an official partner to the EuroPrivacy Certification Scheme, We provide support in three core areas, specifically:

  • Compliance support
  • Assessment and gap analysis
  • Certification and monitoring

As part of your certification pathway with us, we will:

  • Work with you to identify the target for certification
  • Liaise with the certification body as necessary
  • Conduct a gap analysis and close any gaps accordingly
  • Take corrective actions if necessary
  • Help you create and submit an evidence portfolio
  • Advise you on how you can use your certificate
GDPR Certification Graphic

To find out more about how the EuroPrivacy Certification Scheme can help your business, or to learn about where you can start your journey with us as your trusted partner, please contact the Privacy and Data Protection team.

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You can also review our full portfolio of privacy and data protection services here

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