Data and Security Protection (DSP) Toolkit Assurance

Providing stakeholders with independent assurance.

Preparing for compliance.

The DSP Toolkit is an online self-assessment tool that allows organisations to measure their performance against the National Data Guardian's 10 data security standards. All organisations that has access to NHS patient information (or use NHS mail) must provide assurances that they have the proper measures in place to ensure that this information is kept safe and secure and therefore must submit an annual assessment each year before the deadline of 30th June.

In order to provide stakeholders assurance that organisations are keeping this information safe and secure, independent assessments of an organisation's DSP Toolkit submission can be undertaken by an independent auditor.

We can help support you in undertaking the independent assessment utilising our team which comprises of team members with IT, Cyber and Data Privacy expertise.

Get in touch

To find out more or discuss your IT audit requirements, please contact us using the form below:

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