Technical issues trending now - April 2021

Our summary of the accounting, financial and narrative reporting technical issues trending now will ensure you keep up-to-date with the most significant issues that may affect your business.


In this edition

Developments within International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

  • IASB issues amendments to extend the relief period for lessees accounting for Covid-19-related rent concessions
  • IASB proposes amendments when accounting for foreign currency transactions where there is no observable exchange rate
  • Proposals set out to bring regulatory assets and liabilities on balance sheet to align timing for revenue recognition – comment period extended to 30 July 2021
  • Primary Financial Statements project – Redeliberations begin on the exposure draft: General Presentation and Disclosures that propose substantial changes to reporting financial performance


Developments within UK Accounting Standards

  • FRC proposes to extend application period for accounting for Covid-19-related rent concessions


Other Regulatory Developments

  • FRC implements new approach to make corporate reporting reviews publicly available


Narrative and Front-end Reporting Developments

  • Sustainability reporting – IFRS Foundation announces working group to accelerate convergence in global sustainability reporting standards


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Technical issues trending now - Apr 2021

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